3 July 2024 /

See today's Peace Related News


Karen Peace Support Team

No.410, 3rd Street(South), East Gyo Gone, Insein Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
+0095-9-8575 225


Founded: 8 April 2012


  1. To build a network among Karen CSOs to support the peace process.
  2. To implement activities to support peace negotiations between the government and Karen National Union (KNU).
  3. To facilitate Karen Civil Society organizations programs on observing, media mobilization and public participation in the peacebuilding process.


Myanmar has been suffering from civil war since when its independence in 1948. Thousands of lives have been lost because of the war and many have fled to neighboring countries as refugees or continue to hide in the jungle as IDPs. Due to dictatorship and protracted conflict, Myanmar has become a least developed country since 1987 and many continue to live under the poverty line. The country faces many challenges in socio-economic issues and civil participation.

Recently, many opposition armed groups have engaged in ceasefire talks with the central government. Despite this glimmer of hope and exciting developments, the intense fighting continues unabated in Northern Myanmar, Kachin state.

Many individuals and civil society groups are eager to help the peace process but are limited by financial constraints, lack of human resources and lack of transparency on the peace process.

KPST’s Role in Peace Negotiation

  1. Organizing media ( inside/outside)
  2. Observers
  3. Facilitations of meetings
  4. Community participation

Contact Persons:

  1. Rev. Mathew Aye, Coordinator, Karen Peace Support Team
  2. Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Co- Coordinator, Karen Peace Support Team

Team members:

1 Honorary Moderator Prof. Saw Tun Aung Chain – Independent
2 Coordinator Rev. Matthew Aye- Karen Development Network
3 Co-Coordinator Nant Khin Aye Oo ( Cum treasurer ) – Karen Development Committee
4 Co-Coordinator Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe – Karen Women’s Action Group
5 Member Saw True Blood – Independent
6 Member Saw Kenneth Wai Thaw – Independent
7 Member Saw Alan Saw U – Independent
8 Member Mahn Kyaw Nyunt – Independent
9 Member Saw Kyaw Swar – Karen Affairs
10 Member Nan Myint Tin – Karen Affairs Committee Information
11 Disseminator Nyaw Nyaw (secretarial support) – Independent

Team Structure:

  1. Coordinator: responsible for the overall management and organizing as well as coordination for the Karen Peace Support Team ( KPST).
  2. Co-coordinator: supports the coordinator in organizing and coordinating the KPST.
  3. Program Secretary: responsible for logistics and administration to both organize and implement KPST’s programs.
  4. Treasurer: responsible for the finance and accounting of KPST’s expenses.
  5. Team Member Organizations & Individuals: KPST currently involves 5 Karen Organizations and 5 individuals assigned to responsibilities related to their expertise.

KPST involvement in the peace talks

Following the the Myanmar President’s call for peace and many opposition groups on 18 August 2011, the KPST conducted several peace forums, special talks and events with the Karen community in Yangon, Delta area and Karen state. During the peace process, KPST supported the peace negotiation with logistics support, facilitation of meetings with community and participated in peace negotiation as observers.

Aug 18, 2011 – President Thein Sein call for peace (1/11)
Nov 2011 – KNU requested individuals and organizations for the suggestion on peace process ( >100 suggestions received)
Nov-Dec 2011 – KWAG conducted a survey and get back to KNU
Jan 12, 2012 – KNU & central government had preliminary meeting for the peace process
Feb 2012 – Karen new crop celebration in Pa-An ( KAC forming ), Religious leaders conference
Feb 27 – Mar 1, 2012 : Karen worldwide conference
Mar 5-6, 2012 – Meeting between KCSOs and KNU leaders
Mar 7-8, 2012 – Meeting between inside/outside KCSOs
Mar 18, 2012 – KCSOs meeting with Rail minister
Mar-Apr, 2012 – Preparation for KNU & Central government peace talk, including a meeting with the international Karen community and Karen SCOs in Mae Sot.
Apr 5-11, 2012 – KNU peace trip to Pa-An, Yangon, Nay Pyi Daw, Kyauk Kyi, Dawei




မြန်မာနိုင်ငံလုံးဆိုင်ရာ ကျောင်းသားများ ဒီမိုကရက်တစ်တပ်ဦး



ဒီမိုကရေစီ အကျိုးပြု ကရင်တပ်မတော်

ကချင်ပြည် လွတ်လပ်ရေးအဖွဲ့

ကရင်နီ အမျိုးသားတိုးတက်ရေးပါတီ

ကူကီး အမျိုးသားအစည်းအရုံး (မြန်မာပြည်)


မြန်မာ အမျိုးသားဒီမိုကရေစီ မဟာမိတ်အဖွဲ့ (ကိုးကန့်တပ်ဖွဲ့)

အမျိုးသားဒီမိုကရေစီ သွေးစည်းညီညွတ်ရေးတပ်မတော်


နာဂအမျိုးသား ဆိုရှယ်လစ်ကောင်စီ (ကပ်ပလန်)

ပအို့ဝ် အမျိုးသား လွတ်မြောက်ရေးအဖွဲ့

တအောင်း အမျိုးသားလွတ်မြောက်ရေးတပ်ဦး

သျှမ်းပြည် ပြန်လည်ထူထောင်ရေးကောင်စီ (သျှမ်းပြည် တပ်မတော် – တောင်ပိုင်း)

သျှမ်းပြည် တိုးတက်ရေးပါတီ (သျှမ်းပြည်တပ်မတော် – မြောက်ပိုင်း)


‘၀’ ပြည် သွေးစည်းညီညွတ်ရေးတပ်မတော်