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Chin National Front (CNF/CNA) (2022 -2023)

Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA)

chin national flag 1024 x 768


Founded: 20th March, 1988

Headquarters: Thantlang (Camp Victoria) in Chin State

Active Territories: Thantlang, Hakha, Teedim, Matupi and Paletwa Townships in Chin State.

Strength: More than 1500 (Auxiliary Force – More than 10,000)

Chair – Pu Zing Cung

General Secretary – Salai Thla Hei

The Chin National Front (CNF) issued a statement at its seventh conference in 2020. Three political goals—regaining the right to self- determination, establishing a federal union with political equality and building a democratic system—were adopted at the conference. The CNF stands with the Chin people, participates in the Spring Revolution, and makes armed resistance against the military council forces. It also cooperates with the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC). Vice-Chair of the CNF Dr. Salai Lian Hmung Sakhong serves as the Minister for Federal Union Affairs under the National Unity Government (NUG). Salai Htet Ni, Assistant General Secretary of the CNF works as the General Secretary of the Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) which is a member of the NUCC.

Salai Thla Hei, General Secretary of the CNF serves as the chair of the Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC) which is formed with 18 Chinland Defense Forces (CDFs) during the Spring Revolution. The CNF is active in armed resistance against the military council forces. He called for a “Chin Nation-Building Year” in 2023 and asked Chin people to assist in the construction of a Chin union. 67

The CNF/CNA firmly adheres to the Spring Revolution and fights alongside any group, organization, or people with the same political goal in eradicating the military dictatorship and building a federal democratic union, according to its statement released on the 35th Anniversary of the Chin Revolution Day.

Clashes with the military council forcesOne clash with the military council in 2021 and 15 in 2023 (up to July). The CNF/CNA takes a leading role in the CJDC grouping and is fighting against the military council forces in collaboration with the Chinland Defense Forces (CDFs) which are the members of the CJDC.
Clashes with EROsOne      clash     with     the     Zomi     Revolutionary Organization/Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRO/ZRA) in 2021.


Ceasefires and Peace Process
11th EAO to sign a ceasefire with the government
Step 1 – State-level Ceasefire Agreement
(January 6, 2012)
Step 2 – Union-level ceasefire Agreement
(May 7, 2012)
Step 3 – Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement
(October 15, 2015)

Official Ceasefire Team
A 20 – member committee has been chosen from the Central Executive Committee, Central Committee and
Supreme Council members.
Chin State stability and peace committee
member 24 – 31 August
2012. Union – Level bilateral agreement 2012 May.

Liaison Offices
1. Teetain (25/09/2012)
2. Hta Ta Lan (29/06/2012)
3. Matupi (23/06/2012)

Business Liaison Offices
1. Paletwa (19/10/2013)
2. Yangon
3. Indo-Myanmar Boarder
4. Faam (got permission in June 9, 2014),
Minn Tat (got permission in June 9, 2014)

Ceasefire & Peace Process:

11th resistance group to sign ceasefire with the government

Stage 1: State level ceasefire 6 Jan 2012
Stage 2: Union level ceasefire 7 May 2012
Stage 3: NCA Signed 15 October 2015

# Post-Ceasefire Clashes:
2012: None
2013: None
2014: None
2015: None
2016: None

Official delegation team:
Twenty committee members were selected from the Central Executive Committee, Central Committee, Supreme Council
members and CNA leaders.

Alliance: PPST, UPDJC, JMC member

* Member of Chin Peace and
Tranquility Committee 24-31
August 2012

Website: www.chinland.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cnfhq/
Email: [email protected]
Phone:+91 89741215887 (supreme council)

1. Pu Htan Yan
2. Salaing Kipp Kho lian
3. Dr. Za Hlei Thang
4. Pu Lian Uk
5. Bawi Lian Mang
6. Pu Hau Khang
7. Pu Lalramlawma
8. Pu Naing Thoung
9. Pu Mang Ling
10. Pu Vung Za Khai
11. Pu Aung Ling Thang

Local Committee
1. Pu Bawi Cung
2. Pu Thla Peng
3. Pu Ngun Cung Lian
4. Salaing Pa Hmun
5. Pu Tawk Ceu



 # Date Location Armed Group Rep Govt Rep Details
119/11/2011Mae Sai, ThailandDr. Sui Khar and Pu Zing CungAung MinPreliminary discussions, informal ceasefire
206/01/2012Hakha, Chin stateJoint Gen-Sec Dr. Sui Khar, 10-member delegationAung MinState-level: 9-point ceasefire agreement was signed. Members of the govt delegation included: Forestry Minister Win Tun, State level peace and stability committee members and Chin state Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Zaw Min Oo, Strategic Command Commander Lieutenant Colonel Ko Ko Gyi and 5 state govt cabinet members.
307/05/2012Hakha, Chin stateAung MinUnion level: 15-point peace agreement signed. These included travel restrictions lifted for CNF members in Myanmar and travel visas allowed for resettled Chin. Other participants included: MPSI Consultant Ashley South, Executive Director of Chin Human Rights Organization Salai Bawi Lian Mang.
407/12/2012MPC, YangonSecretary Pu Zing Cung and Sec-Gen Dr. Sui Khar and other leadersAung Min2nd Union level meeting: 28-point agreement signed. An agreement to form an independent commission on human rights abuses in Chin state was decided. Govt participants included: U Tin Maung Than, U Hla Maung Shwe, U Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Dr. Min Zaw Oo, Dr. Kyaw Yin Hlaing, U Thihan Myo Ngunt, U Aung Naing Oo, U Ne Myo Naing, Colonel Chit Ko Ko and U Tin Aung Moe. International observers included: Kristine Gould (PACRIM Research Associates); USA, Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, (chairman of Nippon Foundation), Mr. Yiji Mori (Nippon Foundation), Ms. Suzuka Yoshida (Nippon Foundation); Japan, Charles Petrie ( MPSI), Mai Chin Chin (Shalom Foundation; Yangon, Salai Bawi Lian Mang, (Executive Director of Chin Human Rights Organization); Indo-Myanmar border
531/08/2013Nay Pyi TawRCSS + KNU+ CNF (Gen. Mu Tuu Say Phoe, Maj. Tu Tu Lay from KNU, Maj. Sai La and Maj. Sai Mein from RCSS)“Vice president Sai Mauk Kham – Vice Senior General Soe Win, U Aung Min, U Thein Zaw”UPWC president Sai Mauk Kham expected to get a nationwide ceasefire in October. (1) commitment of ceasefire (2) framework from both sides negotiation for political dialogue (3) all-inclusiveness in Conference (4) midterm working process negotiations is proposed by KNU- RCSS. It’s an informal meeting.
620/02/2014Min Tat, Chin StateCNFChin State GovtNational Day


Ceasefire: 06/01/2012
Liaison Offices: Thanglang, Tedim and Matupi towns

Rights and Responsibilities for Liaison Offices
Both parties agreed that if the liaison officer is a central committee member of the CNF they will receive treatment that is consistent with the diplomatic protocols reflecting their position. The Chin state government shall provide necessary measures to ensure the physical security of the liaison officer. The parties accept to observe the rules defined in the ceasefire within the territorial areas that have been designated, and in accordance with the existing laws of the Chin state government

Panglong Agreement:

Both parties agreed in principle to points that were signed during the Panglong Agreement (February 12, 1947) by Bamar leader General Aung San and other ethnic groups in Panglong, Shan state.

Discussions regarding the military code of conduct for the Myanmar army and other ethnic armed groups were also discussed.


  • The formation of the “Ceasefire Monitoring Body” consisting primarily of the Chin Peace and Tranquility Committee but also with active participation from other legal experts.
  • The formation of a crisis mediating body that will arbitrate any physical violence resulting from accidental nature between the CNF and the Myanmar army. It is agreed that such a mediating body shall be formed under the leadership of the Chin state Security and Border Affairs minister and will also involve both the CNF liaison officer and CNA leaders responsible for the areas where such incident occurs. This can also include the in-charge/commander of the CNF/CNA, commander of the Myanmar army, police force, chairman of the Chin Peace Monitoring Body or any such duly authorized individual.

Controlled areas

CNF/CNA will be temporarily based out around 5 village tracts in 2 townships. These include Tlangpi, Dawn and Zang Tlang village tracts in Thantlang Township, and Zampi and Bukphir village tracts in Tedim Township.

Other possible bases will include Kung Pin, Ra O, Shweletwa, and Ra Kan village tracts in Paletwa Township; Para and Pathiantlang, Belhar, Vanzang, Lungding, Lulpilung in village tracts in Tedim Township; Dampi, Tui Dial village tracts in Thantlang Township. CNF opened Camp Victoria in Thantlang Township (January 2013). The military camp will serve as their new headquarters.


  • agreed to allow the presence of only the Myanmar army and the CNF within the Chin State
  • CNF must obtain permission from the government before conducting military exercises
  • A CNA refresher training course covering public relations was held on the Indo-Myanmar border on October 24, 2012.


  • Khonumthung Company (2012)
  • with the financial support from the Union government, the CNF will play a leading role in developing the state in accordance with laws governing the new Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
  • both parties will cooperate on development projects
  • permission for INGOs and social-economic organisations (both inside and outside the country) to support development initiatives that will improve the quality of life for Chin state residents
  • CNF will establish committees or organizations to carry out new development initiatives in cooperation with domestic/international social economic organisations and INGOs
  • the Union government will construct at least 2 airports.
  • The govt is building a domestic airport in Surbung mountain in Falam Township, Chin state. The site was surveyed by a CNF delegation, administrator of Falam Township and residents on December 19, 2012.
  • the construction of a national highway that will connect northern Tonzang Township to southern Paletwa Township
  • restrictions lifted for international tourists to travel in the state
  • development of information technology and computer skills
  • basic services such as water, electricity, food, security, health and education to be made available to everyone
  • CNF allowed to seek independent funding for implementing development projects in the state


  • the establishment of a community radio broadcast program for promoting Chin media and culture in each of the various dialects
  • the Chin language will be taught in primary education schools
  • open schools to promote Chin culture and music
  • religious freedom
  • no discrimination on the basis ethnicity, religion and gender for civil service positions
  • official registration allowed for community-based organizations and Chin media e.g newspapers, journals, magazines, newsletters, radio, internet and television programs
  • both parties will cooperate in the development of out-of-state guest houses for travelling Chins (Naypyidaw, Yangon, Mandalay, Pakhuku, Kalay, Sittwe, Seih Town).


  • CNF granted permission to hold public consultations regarding the peace process (20/11/ 2012: preliminary meeting for an upcoming CNF’s public consultation took place in Matupi, Chin state)
  • consideration made towards the international agreements that have been acceded to by the Union government, including other international human rights moral obligations
  • official recognition of Chin National Day (February 20) and Chin State Day on (February 3)
  • under existing laws the CNF/CNA are still considered unlawful organizations by the Union government, both parties have agreed this will be amended at a later date once full confidence has been firmly established
  • both parties agreed that the Union-level Peace Working Committee (UPWC) team will submit a list of any individual(s) who have been arrested and imprisoned on account of CNF/ CNA activities to the president’s office for immediate amnesty (effective after the signing of this agreement)
  • UPWC will remove the names of all individuals who have been blacklisted for being affiliated or members of CNF/CNA (effective after the signing of this agreement)
  • CNF/CNA members immune from criminal prosecution for being part of the organisation (effective after the signing of this agreement)
  • cooperation to uphold human rights, punish violators in accordance with the 2008 Constitution
  • the formation of an independent Chin human rights committee


  • both parties agreed to cooperate in the eradication of poppy cultivation and other illegal drug businesses, this includes smuggling operations in northern Chin state
  • drug production is increasing despite the agreement


  • environmental impact assessments shall be conducted on all in-state development projects by an independent committee of experts
  • both parties agreed that the extraction of natural resources in Chin State will adhere to the points stipulated in the ceasefire agreement


  • all Chin nationals who have resettled abroad will be allowed to return and assistance will be provided for issuing visas
  • the state immigration department will issue national identity cards for CNF/CNA members after a membership list is submitted


Dec 16, 2011: CNF member Dr. Salai Andrew Ngun Cung Lian welcomed comments by former Union-level Peace Building Committee Chairman Aung Thaung “We are determined to work for peace during the tenure of this government but people need to be patient because many issues may be hard to resolve.”

Mar 19, 2014 – CNF signed Geneva Call documents in Geneva, child protection and prohibition of sexual violence
Feb 18, 2014 – A statement of CNF to review the census process
Jan 05, 2013 – CNF statement on govt offensives in Kachin and Shan states (Burmese)
Aug 31, 2012 – The 5th CEC Statement
May 19, 2012 – CNF press release after 2nd peace talk (Burmese)
May 10, 2012 – CNF press release on peace negotiations (Burmese)
Jan 15, 2012 – CNF Press Release To The People
Dec 16, 2011 – Appeal To The Chin People
Dec 16, 2011 – Emergency-Conference-Statement (Burmese)
Feb 20, 2010 – CNF statement on 52nd Chin National Day (Burmese)

Reference: Deciphering Myanmar’s Peace Process – A Reference Guide (2022 – 2023)

Karen National Union (KNU)

Arakan National Council (ANC/AA)

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

Chin National Front (CNF/CNA)

Karen National Union (KNU)

Arakan National Council (ANC/AA)

All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

Chin National Front (CNF/CNA)

Arakan Liberation Party/Army (ALP/ALA)

Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA)

Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA)

Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP/KA)

Kuki National Organization (Burma)

Lahu Democratic Union (LDU)

Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)

National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS)

New Mon State Party (NMSP)

National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K)

Pa-Oh National Liberation Organization (PNLO)

The Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA)

The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA – South)

Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA – North)

United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA)