Human Rights Violations


Ceasefire zones

In areas of the country where new ceasefires have been signed, the incidence of human rights abuses has reported to have declined dramatically – although this varies from state to state. Government troops are no longer targeting civilians as supporters, or protectors of armed insurgents. In Taninthayi, TBC reported that civilians are less afraid to lodge formal complaints about mismanagement by administration authorities.

However human rights violations in ethnic areas still continue. Some of these human rights violations can be categorized as the following:
● forced labor by the Myanmar military (fortifying army camps, road repair, porter)
● land confiscation (especially near development projects and contested areas)
● forced relocation
● arbitrary taxation
● religious discrimination
● human trafficking
● recruitment of child soldiers
● restrictions on freedom of movement
In spite of the new ceasefires, civilians remain fearful of being caught in conflicts between government troops and ethnic armed groups. Their movements are restricted in fields and markets in close proximity to where Myanmar army operations are being conducted. Deprivations resulting from land confiscation exacerbate the lack of food security and chronic poverty that many civilians are already facing. Although many civilians welcome the ceasefires, this has not necessarily affected their distrust towards the government or the Myanmar army, as there are still widespread perceptions that the ceasefire is just a means for the government to achieve international legitimacy and commercial profit.

Conflict zones

In conflict zones, human rights abuses that have been reported are much more severe, some of these include:
● forced recruitment by the Myanmar army, militia groups or BGFs
● murder, rape, torture, interrogation, extortion, humiliation, religious persecution, and other inhumane acts


For more detailed reports about human rights abuses in ethnic areas, please check reports by the following organizations:
● Burma Issues (BI)
● Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO)
● Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People (CIDKP)
● Dawei Development Association (DDA)
● Earth Rights International (ERI)
● Free Burma Rangers (FBR)
● Human Rights Education Institute – Burma (HREIB)
● Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM)
● Human Rights Watch (HRW)
● Kachin Development Networking Group (KDNG)
● Karen Environment and Social Action Network (KESAN)
● Karen Women’s Action Group (KWAG)
● Kachin Women Association of Thailand (KWAT)
● Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG)
● Karenni Civil Societies Network (KCSN)
● Network for Human Rights Documentation (ND-Burma)
● Palaung Women Organization (PWO)
● Pa-O Youth Organization (PYO)
● Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF)


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