Government peace plan


The government’s policy towards the ethnic peace process is flexible and willing to accommodate to the changes in the country. Their approach is multifaceted, operating on the premise that the peace process is part of a much larger problem including not only military and political affairs, but also social and economic issues, to achieve broader peace dividends. Currently there is no official governmental budget allocated, apart from an endowment for peace to fund the peace team and its activities, but is said to be included soon. The government is working to finalize all the ceasefires by the end of 2013, to hold political dialogue the following year and endorse agreements with all of the ethnic armed groups by 2015.


Union-level peace team (reformed 3 May 2012 – Decree 12/2012)

The latest Union-level peace team is made up of a central committee for making policies and a working committee for implementing policies associated with ceasefire negotiations. The central committee (UPCC) is chaired by President Thein Sein, while the working committee (UPWC) is chaired by the Vice President Sai Mauk Kham. Prior to the Union-level peace team, there were 2 government peace teams created by the Union-level Peace Discussion Group in December 2012. The teams were led respectively by U Aung Thaung U Aung Min, who divided their tasks geographically.

Central committee
Chaired by President Thein Sein

11-members including:

  1. Vice President U Nyan Tun (replaced U Tin Aung Myint Oo, Aug.16, 2012)​
  2. Vice President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham
  3. Speaker of the Upper house U Shwe Mann
  4. Speaker of the lower house U Khin Aung Myint
  5. Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services Vice Senior-General Min Aung Hlaing
  6. Minister of Home Affairs Lieutenant-General Ko Ko
  7. Defense Minister Lieutenant-General Wai Lwin (replaced General Hla Min)
  8. Border Affairs Minister Lieutenant-General Thet Naing Win (replaced Lieutenant-General Thein Htay)
  9. Attorney-General Dr. Tun Shin
  10. Director of President’s office U Min Zaw

Working committee (52 members) aka UPWC
Chairman: Vice-President Sai Mauk Kham

4 Vice-Chairmen:

  1. President Office Minister Aung Min
  2. Deputy Commander-in-Chief and Commander of the Army General Soe Win
  3. Parliament Member U Thein Zaw (head of the Lower house National Races Affairs and Internal Peacemaking Committee)
  4. D-G of the Govt. Office U Myo Tint Kyi

9 ministers

  1. U Ohn Myint
  2. U Soe Thein
  3. U Zaw Min
  4. U Than Htay
  5. U Khin Yee
  6. U Win Htun
  7. U Khin Maung Soe
  8. Gen Tin Aung Chit (Deputy Minister) (11 August 2014)
  9. U Htun Htun Oo (Chief Justice)

10 region or state chief ministers

  1. U La John Ngan Saing (Kachin State)
  2. U Khin Maun Oo (aka) U Bu Reh (Kayar state)
  3. U Zaw Min (Kayin state)
  4. U Ohn Ngai (Chin State)
  5. U Thar Aye (Sagaing Region)
  6. U Ko Myat Ko (Tanintharyi Region)
  7. U Nyan Win (Pegu Region)
  8. U Ohn Myint (Mon State)
  9. Gen Mg Mg Ohm (Rakhaine state)
  10. U Sao Aung Myat (Shan state)

9 regional commanders

  1. Gen. Zayar Aung (Northern Region)
  2. Gen. Aung Kyaw Zaw (North-eastern Region)
  3. Gen. Soe Htut (Eastern Region)
  4. Gen Tun Tun Naung (Middle-eastern Region)
  5. Gen Than Htun Oo (Triangle Region)
  6. Gen. Tin Maung Win (South-eastern Region)
  7. Gen. Khin Maung htay (Costal Region)
  8. Gen. Soe Lwin (North-western Region)
  9. Gen. Nyo Saw (Southern Region)

18 ethnic parliament members

People’s Assembly

  1. Daw Dwe Bu (Kachin)
  2. U Soe Reh (Kayar)
  3. U Saw Thein Aung (Kayin)
  4. U Ngon Maung (Chin)
  5. Daw Mi Yin Chan (Chin)
  6. U Ba Shein (Rakhine)
  7. U Sa Ti Phan (Shan)
  8. U Hla Tun (Naga)
  9. U Kyin Wan (Wa)

Amyotha Luttdaw

  1. U Sa Khont Taint Yain (Kachin)
  2. U Sann Rahe (Kayar)
  3. U Saw Htun Mya Aung (Kayin)
  4. U Paw Lyan Lwin (Chin)
  5. U Saw Ohn (Mon)
  6. U Ohn Tin (Rakhine)
  7. U Sai Kyaw Zaw Than (Shan)
  8. U Myat Ko (Naga)
  9. U Sai Pao Nut (Wa)

mpc committee

18 August 2011: President Thein Sein appealed to dozens of ethnic groups to start talks​ (announcement No. 1/2011)​

President Thein Sein has pledged to make the ethnic issue a national priority, offering dialogue with all armed groups and dropping key preconditions for talks. Specifically, dropping the demand for the groups to become border guard forces, and then an unprecedented national conference to seek political solutions to ethnic divisions. Plans for a peace process were drawn up by the Ethnic Affairs and Internal Peace Committee set up by both Houses of the People’s Parliament and the National Parliament

see the page on conflict resumption to see how initial efforts to deal with ethnic groups reignited past conflicts >>>

Three-phase peace plan

  1. State level: Ceasefire, set up liaison offices and travel without holding arms to each other’s territory
  2. Union level: Confidence building, holding political dialogue, implement regional development tasks in terms of education, health and communication
  3. Sign agreement for eternal peace in the presence of the parliament represented by nationalities, political parties and different walks of life.

Peace Working Committee – Ceasefire guidelines

In order to reach peace agreements (with ethnic armed groups), Union-level Peacemaking Work Committee will carry out the following duties and report to UPWC central executive committee:

State Level Peace negotiation – 5 ​Terms​​

  1. To cease fire from both sides
  2. To deploy troops only in agreed territories
  3. Prohibit carrying arms outside the designated territories
  4. Open liaison offices in areas agreed by both sides (no arms allowed)
  5. In order for the negotiation process to proceed to Union Level negotiation, each group will have to form an official delegation team and negotiate the place and time for Union Level negotiation.

Union Level Peace Negotiation – 8 ​Points

  1. To remain forever in the Union
  2. To accept the Three National Causes: non-disintegration of the Union,non-disintegration of national sovereignty and perpetuation of national sovereignty
  3. To cooperate in economic and development tasks
  4. To cooperate in the elimination of narcotic drugs
  5. To set up political parties and enter elections
  6. To accept the 2008 Constitution and to make necessary amendments via Parliament by majority consent
  7. To fully enter the legal fold for permanent peace and live, move, work in accord with the Constitution
  8. To coordinate existence of only a single armed forces in accord with the Constitution

Reforms in the Government’s peace process

  1. No longer require ceasefires to be agreed prior to discussions or demanded weapons to be surrendered first.
  2. No longer insist that talks take place in Myanmar
  3. The ethnic question is now being dealt with as a political or constitutional issue, and not as a military matter like before.
  4. National Parliament form the committee for ethnic affair, conflict resolution and peace process (1 August 2014)

Myanmar Peace Centre (MPC) mpc

Secretariat for the Myanmar Peace Committee and reports to the President’s office
Address: No. 11, Shweli Road, Kamaryut Township, Yangon.
Opened: Nov.3, 2012
Headed by: Aung Min (President’s Office Minister)
Run by: Soe Thein (President’s Office Minister), Khin Ye (Home Affairs Minister)
Kyaw Yin Hlaing (Myanmar Egress), Hla Maung Shwe (Myanmar Egress), Aung Naing Oo (Vahu Development Institute), Dr. Min Zaw Oo (Academic), Kyaw Soe Naing (Myanmar Egress)

The Government of Myanmar opened the Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) in Yangon as part of an agreement with the Norway-led Peace Support Donor Group. It was established to assist the Union Peace-making Central Committee and the Union Peace-making Work Committee for the peace process. It coordinates all peace initiatives and acts as a one-stop service center for donor governments and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) that want to support the peace process. In addition, it will serve as a platform for government officials, members of ethnic militia groups, civil society organizations, international donors and INGOs to meet and negotiate.


The Myanmar Peace Centre plays a key role in the development of a peaceful nation inclusive of Myanmar’s ethnic diversity.


To contribute to sustainable peace and an overall political settlement to the benefit of all the citizens of Myanmar.

The Myanmar Peace center achieves its mission by providing policy advice and strategic level guidance as well as coordinates government activities in five key areas:

  1. Ceasefire negotiations and implementation
  2. Peace negotiations and political dialogue
  3. Coordination of assistance in conflict affected areas
  4. Outreach and public diplomacy
  5. Mine Actions

Phase 1: November 2012 – February 2013

Specific Objective 1 – Effective monitoring and implementation of ceasefire agreements is ensured.
Specific Objective 2 – Consult with wide range of stakeholders to develop a plan for political dialogue.
Specific Objective 3 – Peacebuilding activities build confidence in the ceasefire agreements and in the longer term political process
Specific Objective 4 – Build widespread public understanding of the peace process
Myanmar Mine Action Centre (MMAC) is designed to complement efforts to achieve the specific objectives, as a specialized project for humanitarian demining under the peace process.

Phase 2:March 2013 to August 2014

The MPC was originally reported to have opened in July, 2012 on U Wisara Road. It was actually opened on Nov 3, 2012 with a start-up fund of EUR 700,000 from the European Union (a member of the PSDG) and four houses provided by the Myanmar government. The opening ceremony ceremony was attended by the European Commission (EC) President Barroso. The centre has been actively organizing seminars and workshops on confidence-building and peacemaking. However the MPC is officially scheduled to open in March, 2013. At that time more information about its structure and activities will be publicized.

– Union-level Peace Working Committee held meeting in Naypyitaw (Feb 24, 2014)
– A draft agreement of nationwide ceasefire proposed by Govt in LawKheelar meeting (20 Jan, 2014)


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