Junta troops shoot dead four civilians, arrest at least five in Hswar

Caption – A house damaged by junta’s airstrike in a village east of Hswar (Old photo/Photo-CJ)

Military junta troops shot dead four civilians in Ywar Thit village east of Hswar town in YedasheTownship, Bago Region on 21 April, and arrested at least 5 others from the nearby villages of Khin Tan and Htan Pin Kone where they were stationed, according to local sources.

Since 13 April, there have been armed clashes between the junta troops and resistance forces in villages such as Khin Tan, Koe Tan, Hswar Ywar Ma and Htan Pin Kone east of the town. Instead of withdrawing, the junta troops stayed put in some villages, arresting and killing the civilians.

The junta troops burned down seven houses in Ywar Thit village, and shot dead 4 civilians unprovoked – one woman, one child and two other villagers, according to a local resident.

“Those stationed in Khin Tan and Htan Pin Kone conducted raids on nearby villages. On 21 April, they entered Ywar Thit and torched six houses. They shot dead four villagers. One was burned with a burning house. Among those shot dead were a young girl and a child. We don’t know why they were killed. Those killed were likely villagers trapped inside the village,” the resident said.

In addition, on 17 April, the junta troops fired from the air at Anauk Kone and three other villages, injuring six civilians with heavy weapons fire. At least seven trapped villagers were also arrested, and contact has been lost with them since, locals said.

A person close to those arrested said, “In Koe Tan, the soldiers arrested two villagers from Kan Hla and Thea Koe villages who went to help move belongings for their relatives. Until now we have no news about them, but heard they are being detained in Khin Tan. We also heard that seven or eight villagers from Htan Pin Kone and Khin Tan were also arrested, including some who were shot dead.”

Over 2,000 residents from these eight villages have fled to safety. Some local social activists have warned them not to return home yet as they could be arrested or killed by the junta troops no matter the reason upon encountering them.

In the clashes between junta and resistance forces in eastern part of Hswar over the past week, over 30 junta troops were killed. Four resistance fighters were also killed and eight injured, according to battlefield sources.

Sent by KIC.


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