Locals seize timber smuggling trucks headed for China in Maw Luu

Caption – Seized timber smuggling trucks

Locals seized timber smuggling trucks headed for China in Maw Luu town of Indaw Township, Sagaing Region on 17 March, according to local sources.

The timber trucks came from Banmauk Township and had been allowed to pass through areas controlled by People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) along the way, locals said.

“They are smuggling from Banmauk. There are still around 15 trucks in Nat Yone (village). The problem doesn’t seem to be solved. There may be more,” said a local said on condition of anonymity.

The locals are unhappy that the PDFs have allowed the smuggling trucks to pass through their areas while the locals are prohibited from small-scale logging, according to local sources.

One local said, “Of course they are not happy about it. They (the PDFs) even beat the villagers when they take things like small branches from the trees. Yesterday, the villagers seized three trucks.”

Maw Luu town is an area officially declared to be under the control of the National Unity Government (NUG).

Cases of timber smuggling frequently occur in Sagaing Region, with locals saying that money is paid to both the military council troops and resistance groups along the routes for illegal logging and transportation to China.

They warn that rampant illegal logging continues unabated amid the armed conflict, putting the forest reserves in the upper Sagaing at risk of disappearing.

Sent by Say Kaung Khan (Shanni Voice)


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