Ward, village administrators in Mon resign, refusing to participate in junta’s conscription process


Some ward and village administrators in the northern part of Ye Township, Mon State, have resigned from their duties as they are unwilling to participate in the military council’s conscription process, according to local sources.

As the village administrators have to follow the military regime’s orders and instructions, while also facing threats of retaliation from the local resistance forces, they find themselves in a difficult situation, according to locals.

“In our area, if we follow the military council’s instructions, we face consequences from the other group. We are stuck in a bind. We can’t disobey the orders. That’s why some administrators in the northern part resigned from their jobs,” said a member of a village community group in northern Ye Township.

After the military council instructed through its township offices to compile lists of those eligible for military service village by village, the New Mon State Party (Anti-Dictatorship) issued a statement warning of stern action against anyone who cooperates with the regime’s conscription process, posing a big challenge to the ward/village administrators, the member said.

As a result, some ward/village administrators in the areas in Mon State which are close to the areas controlled by resistance forces resigned.

A member of another village community said, “A village administrator who is close to us said this. He said that since our area close to the territory under the control of the New Mon State Party, they (New Mon State Party – AD) could retaliate against them at any time if they follow the military’s orders. Therefore, he advised that resignation was the best option at this time.”

After being instructed by the military council to draw up lists of eligible individuals, on 15 March, the New Mon State Party (AD) issued a statement warning of stern measures against ward/village administrators from Kyaikmaraw, Mudon, Thanphyuzayat and northern Ye who participate in the conscription process.

According to locals, there have been armed clashes between the military council and the New Mon State Party (AD) which has already deployed its troops in some townships in Mon State.

Sent by IMNA.


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