Military council burns down nearly 150 houses in Launglon in two weeks


Residents said that during the two weeks that the military council troops entered Launglon Township in Tanintharyi Region, torched and destroyed nearly 150 houses and looted valuables.

During two weeks from 27 December to 8 January, the military council’s column burned and destroyed nearly 150 houses in seven villages where the local people had to flee.

The military council destroyed nearly 100 houses in Nyaungpyin village, more than 20 houses in lower Kyaukwatt village and nearly 30 houses in Hinchotaw, Sitbye, Laythunkhan, Thanlyin and Thakyattaw villages, according to residents.

According to local residents, before the military council column burned down the houses, they burgled and looted gold, money, motorcycles and valuables.

Since 27 December, the military council’s column conducted ground and naval offensives in Daewi, Kanyankyun and Pyinhtein villages, residents said.

According to the residents, the military council soldiers abducted all the local people found in the villages as human shields and released them when they arrived in the next village.

It displaced nearly 10,000 residents from around 20 villages including Waydi, Kanyankyun, Pyinhtein, Sitbye, Gawin, lower Yebyu, Kadatngehtain, Laythunkhan, Hnyinmaw, Kadatgyi and Thabyayshaung villages in Launglon Township where the military council conducted an offensive.

According to data from ISP Myanmar, a research group, released in the last week of September, at least 86,000 houses have been burned down nationwide since the coup.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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