“In 2024, we expect a new vigor for the revolution with the strong support of the people. Therefore, 2024 will be a year marked by even greater expectations toward achieving our goals.” – Salai Htet Ni (Spokesperson, CNF/CNA)

Caption – Salai Htet Ni, spokesperson of the Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA)

An interview with Salai Htet Ni, Joint Secretary 1 of the Chinland Council and Spokesperson of Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA), on the challenges facing Chin forces in 2024 and the current political landscape.

In Chin State where resistance to the military council is strong, the Chin National Front and other Chin resistance forces were able to transform their defensive warfare into an offensive one during the intense “Operation 1027” in 2023, and seize some towns and military camps.

Politically, they succeeded in establishing the Chinland Council, ratifying the Chinland Constitution and laying the foundations for the administrative mechanism.

The year 2024 will see the beginning of self-administration in Chin State by the Chin people themselves. KMG conducted an interview with Salai Htet Ni, Joint Secretary 1 of the Chinland Council and Spokesperson of Chin National Front/Chin National Army (CNF/CNA), about the challenges facing Chin forces in 2024, the current political landscape in Chin State, and disagreements among the groups.

Q: What successes did the CNF/CNA and the Chin revolutionary forces achieve in 2023? And to what extent were you all able to practically implement the military and political goals that were set?

A: In 2023, the military council launched dry season offensive and rainy season offensives from the plains as usual. They put parts of Chin State under martial law in January and February. After that, they launched heavy military offensives into Chin State from south and north. We had to engage in a lot of clashes. It was during the dry season. Then they did the same in the rainy season. But towards the end of 2023, they came up with new offensive strategy to launch offensives into Karenni State first, then into Kachin State, and then into Chin State.

But during the rainy season offensive period in October, the military council marched with a long convoy of 87 military vehicles in a bid to launch offensives in Chin Hills. When the Three Brotherhood Alliance took part in the fight, the military council’s major military offensive was somewhat derailed. The long military convoy that we had anticipated couldn’t make it to the Chin Hills. From there, with the major military operation of the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State, we Chin forces were able to transform defensive warfare into an offensive one. After that, we achieved such military successes as even seizing some towns.

Besides our military affairs, we established the Chinland Council in December as foundations in order to implement a national-level administration that all Chin peoples have desired. From there, we aim to carry out both military and political goals strongly and harmoniously. So, to harmoniously and strongly implement the military and political momentum we gained in 2023, in 2024 we have a new motivation to keep pushing forward.

Q: What challenges did the Chin revolutionary forces have to overcome in the fight against the military dictatorship in 2023?

A: The situation in Chin State is as everyone knows. Chin people have faced tremendous hardships, especially in their livelihoods. But for us ethnic peoples who are living in Chin State – the poorest state in the country, we have more resilience to withstand such poverty compared to those of other regions and states. But the difficulties were extremely tough.

Due to our situation in the state, in terms of military prowess, we have lower supply of weapons and ammunition and use of them in the Chin Hills compared to other regions of Myanmar. Despite all kinds of these difficulties, we still fought battles with limited capacity. But as for the increasing number of local displaced people, we were not able to provide as much help as we had expected. So in 2023, we were faced with a great deal of such difficulties.

Q: So how would you define the year 2023 for the Chin revolutionary forces?

A: As a whole, 2023 was militarily and politically a year of immense success for us. We didn’t fully achieve as much as we had expected but the extent of success is considerable. Militarily, we were able to transform defensive warfare into an offensive one, and politically, we were able to consolidate a strength at the national level. So 2023 was, militarily and politically, an extraordinarily successful year for us.

Q: How about 2024? What kind of year will 2024 be?

A: For 2024, based on the weaknesses and strengths we had in 2023, we aim to strategize how to avoid those weaknesses and turn them into strengths. With the year-long experiences of 2023, in 2024, we expect a new vigor for the revolution with the strong support of the people. Therefore, 2024 will be a year marked by even greater expectations toward achieving our goals.

We’ve fought this revolution with the support of the people and they have put trust in us more than before now. This year will see stronger political consolidation, and greater cooperation of the people. Most importantly, the morale of the people, their trust in us, our reliance on them, military operations, and the people’s trust in our battle experiences – all of these will grow stronger in 2024. So compared to 2023, I would like to put that 2024 will be a year of far greater expectations both militarily and politically.

Q: What goals have Chin revolutionary forces set for Chinland building and Chin nation-building in 2024?

A: As I said earlier, for Chin nation-building and Chinland building, we will implement administrations at the national and state level. For that purpose, we have already ratified the Chinland Constitution which we Chin people drafted ourselves. In line with this constitution, in 2024 we plan to establish a Chinland government to the best of our abilities.

Very soon, under the Chinland Council, we Chin people ourselves will implement legislation, administration, and judiciary in Chin State based on democratic principles and standards. We also have plans to strengthen the military fronts. That’s why we are developing our military and political capacities in a coordinated manner.

Q: Chinland Council’s chairman also said that 2024 will be a very important year. So what difficulties and challenges do you expect in 2024?

A: In any revolution, there are always challenges. So, of course there will be weaknesses in our military and political endeavors that will be pursued according to our own constitution. Speaking of weaknesses, even now there are slightly differing stances among organizations. These are kind of inevitable. But we always keep the door open for negotiations with them. We’ll keep pushing for inclusiveness.

In any way, inclusiveness is an easy word to say for democracies, but has never been achieved in reality anywhere. But I firmly believe that we can overcome these challenges. Because we need unity of spirit and practical cooperation. If we can achieve that, my region or yours, but under the umbrella of nationalism we can move forward – I firmly believe we can overcome these challenges.

Q: The Chinland Council plans to launch Chin State’s administration this year. Approximately when will it become operational? What is the current status?

A: Our constitution clearly states that judiciary, administration, and judiciary will have to implemented within 60 days. So by February, within 60 days, there will be concrete progress.

Q: Regarding the formation of Chin State government, who will be leading it? Can you tell us about the current situation as much as you can?

A: The Chinland Council is composed of three clusters – our Chin National Front, MPs elected in the 2020 general election, and the cluster of 17 groups carrying out local administration. From these three clusters, we’ll appoint suitable persons for their appropriate positions in the parliament, administration, and judiciary. For example, legislation is part of the parliamentary affairs. The elected representatives already have the duty for it. As for the government, if an elected representative becomes a minster, for example, they will also assume their capacity. And as for the defense ministry which links with armed forces, suitable person will also emerge in their capacity.

Q: At the end of December, three groups that had not attend the Chinland Council formed a so-called Chin brotherhood alliance. What is your view on this?

A: The door is also open for them too. The main point is, democracy doesn’t have 100% inclusiveness anywhere; so there are weaknesses. We are always ready to discuss things with them. So we will continue to work towards negotiating with them.

Q: The last question: What is your message to the people for 2024?

A: In this period, people are working towards toppling the military dictatorship and building a federal democratic union. So at this point we also need to think about what we should do for the cause of Chin people and their self-administration through the participation of all Chin peoples. Speaking of this, we need a strong unified stance from Chin peoples. We need to take part in this revolution under the umbrella term of “Chin”. This shouldn’t be done in divided manners. If so, the enemy will defeat us easily. They will take over us completely. So, only with the unity established under the Chin identity can we achieve success in this revolution. So in this time we should not think mine or yours. We urge that all ethnic peoples participate as one in this revolution, politically and militarily.

Q: What else would you like to add?

A: For a revolution or a major military offensive to achieve its goals, everyone, regardless of who is involved, must stand firm on a decision and position without wavering. If we hesitate, none of the revolutions we want can be achieved. Therefore, in the revolution, we need 100% dedication without doubt in our hearts and minds. If we go into battle with such determination, there is no reason that can prevent us from succeeding. So the battle we’re currently fighting is one that we must inevitably win. We must win this cause. So don’t lose heart, don’t hesitate.

Sent by KMG.


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