KNDF and joint forces kill 90 regime soldiers, seize ammo in Karenni’s Dawtamagyi battle


More than 90 junta soldiers were killed and more than 50 wounded in the battle of Dawtamagyi, which took place 20-23 March, according to a 25 March statement from the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF).

During the battle, a large amount of ammunition from the regime troops was also seized by the resistance side, while five comrades from the joint forces were killed.

The weapons and ammunition seized by the junta army include 10 MA-1 rifles, 10 MA-2 rifles, 10 MA-3 rifles, one MA -4 (79), five 9mm pistols, two RPGs, two 60mm motars, two mine detectors, communication devices, mines, hand grenades, computers, phones, related ammunition and other equipment, the KNDF statement said.

Since February last year, the junta army has launched offensives in Pinlaung, Shadaw, Demoso and Bawlakhe Townships on four fronts with 12 military columns in Karenni. Starting 8 March, the army advanced from Bawlakhe Township to Dawnyinkhu area in Demoso township with about 330 soldiers and Karenni joint forces resisted until that day, the statement said.

Three battalions of the junta under 2nd Military Operations Command (MOC -2) – 12th, 516th and 515th Light Infantry Battalions – clashed with Karenni Army (KA), KNDF/B (10), KNDF/B (15) and PDF – Bawlakhe as they advanced into Dawnyinkhu, Dawsohpya and Dawtamagyi villages and fighting intensified as a result.

An official from KA said clashes were still occurring between regime troops and local defense forces as the regime’s army continued its offensive in the areas.

Two KA fighters, KNDF fighters and one PDF fighter were killed during the four days of fighting.
Facing heavy setbacks in the fighting that had taken place in Dawtamagyi, Dawsohpya and Dawnyinkhu areas since 9 March, the junta army called for air support, burned houses and forced residents to flee their villages, the KNDF statement said.

The military council has not yet commented on the fighting.

Sent by Narinjara News


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