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“The IDPs may face difficulty in the long-run as we don’t know how long the civil war will last. The recognition and assistance by the central government of India is crucial.” Ko Richard (NGO United for Democratic Myanmar)

An interview with Ko Richard, Joint Secretary of the NGO United for Democratic Myanmar.

February 28th, 2022

Now more than 30,000 IDPs from Myanmar are taking shelter in Mizoram State in the north-east of India which shares a border with Chin State. The Mizoram State Government starts issuing Refugees ID cards to the refugees.

The KMG interviewed Ko Richard, the Joint Secretary of the NGO United for Democratic Myanmar, an IDP committee based in Mizoram State, about the benefits and the consequences of the issuance of the ID cards to the refugees.

Q: Why does the Mizoram State Government issue the Refugee ID card to the refugees?

A: The first point is the Mizoram government wants to record the number of the refugees in the State. The second point is the security of the refugees. The issuance of refugee ID cards mainly aims to ensure the convenience of the refugees when they move from one place to another or travel in Mizoram State.

Q: How can the refugee ID cards benefit the refugees?

A: The officials said it is not the recognition of refugees as citizens. They also called on the refugee ID card holders not to misuse it. It is difficult to say to what extent the refugees will enjoy the benefit? From my standpoint, the refugees ID card holders will enjoy the benefits if there are donations from the Mizoram State government as well as from the NGOs.

Q: How many refugees are there in Mizoram State at present?

A: It is difficult to answer it exactly. Because there are refugees in every town in Mizoram State. It is difficult to record the exact number of the refugees who are staying outside the IDP camps although the number of refugees at the IDP camps is easily known. Some IDPs returned to their homes. There is an estimated number of over 30,000 IDPs in Mizoram State. The move aims to know the exact number of refugees.

Q: How many refugees have got the ID card?

A: The issuance of a refugee ID card is different in terms of time. As far as I know, 4,255 refugees in Champhai District have got the IDP cards. I have heard the news that all IDPs will get their ID cards in February. Some townships have started issuing ID cards. The Mizoram government is working to issue the ID cards as quickly as possible.

Q: Are there the IDPs who don’t want to get the refugee ID card?

A: Yes. Some IDPs are afraid. Some IDPs think that those who have got the refugee ID cards will not be allowed to go home. Some IDPs don’t want to get the ID cards as they are going to go home.

Q: May I know the situation of the IDPs in Mizoram and their livelihood?

A: Most of the refugees who fled to the Mizoram State are taking shelter at the IDP camps. Some IDPs stay at their hired houses at the suitable places. Some others are staying at the worksites. The IDPs are staying mostly in Champhai, Hnahthial, Saiha, Lawngtlai, Aizawl and Lunglei districts. The IDPs have to rely on the assistance provided by the Mizoram government, the Christian association, the NGOs and the public, for over one year. Although most of the IDPs who are staying in cities are ok, the IDPs who are taking shelter at the IDP camps in border villages face some difficulties.

Q: What will happen in the long-run as the Mizoran government, the Christan association and the NGOs mainly provide aid for the IDPs?

A: The donations are being made by the Mizoram government, the NGOs, the Christian association and the public. Now the IDPs have been staying here for more than one year. I think the IDPs may face difficulty in the long-run as we don’t know how long the civil war will last. The recognition and assistance by the central government of India is crucial. The Mizoram State government is still working on it.

Sent the KMG.

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