“The establishment of Chinland and the Chinland Council is to implement the interests of the entire Chin people. It also aims to further strengthen the revolution. In any case, there are groups that have not been able to join us yet. The door is open for them to join us.” Chinland government’s Prime Minister Pu Pa Thang

Caption - Chinland government’s Prime Minister Pu Pa Thang

An interview with Chinland government’s Prime Minister Pu Pa Thang about the implementation of work by the Chinland government and his views on the current political landscape of Chinland.

It has been more than a month now that the Chinland Council on 1 February formed the Chinland government, which will lead Chin State during the revolutionary period, with 14 ministries.

The Chinland Government led by Prime Minister Pu Pa Thang announced that it would start working on the rule of law, education and health sectors on a priority basis by adopting 100-day plans.

The Khonumthung Media Group (KMG) interviewed Chinland Government’s Prime Minister Pu Pa Thang about the tasks implemented by the Chinland Government, which has emerged amid objections and the measures adopted for the construction of future Chinland State and his view on the current Chin political landscape.

Q: May I know the operation of the Chinland government’s mechanism. According to Chinland government’s 100-day plan, it will affiliate with local governments from townships and regions which are implementing public administration. What is the status of the implementation?

A: Chinland administrative mechanism is still working. The meeting is scheduled for April. We have invited all local administrative groups. We will hold discussions and establish networks. The main thing is that there is a lot to be done in the education, administrative, humanitarian and rule of law sectors by joining hands with them. Now it is still in progress.

Q: There is a report that the Chinland Government met Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on 7 March. How many organizations joined the meeting and what was discussed?

A: CSOs and NGOs are crucial for Chinland. How will we cooperate with them? The main thing is that during the last 3 years, there were many overlapping activities of NGOs. In some regions, the people receive aid many times while the people in other areas do not receive aid. We discussed the fair distribution of aid. The meeting was attended by ten CSOs and NGOs.

Q: The Arakan Army (AA) said it continues to control Paletwa Township and is implementing township administration and plans. Does the Chinland government have a clear and precise policy and stance on Palewa Township? What are these?

A: It is not the right way for the AA to implement administration in Paletwa Township. These are the things that will sow discord between ethnic groups in the long run. It will be the best if they don’t do it. But as we said earlier, we will go through political dialogue first. It will depend on to what extent we can implement it and to what extent we achieve it after the meeting.

Q: Which measures have you taken to deal with clashes between Chinland Defense Forces (CDFs) under the Ministry of Defense of Chinland Government and Maraland Defense Force (MDF) in Maraland as these are conflicts between Chin ethnics?

A: We will work together with the Chinland Council rather than working with the Chinland government alone. We have a plan to mainly solve the problems between the MDF, the CDF and Chin National Army (CNA). We will proceed with the rest of issues with the AA through coordination.

Q: There is a report that the Chinland Council and Chinland Government will hold a meeting with the Chin Brotherhood Alliance in March. Let us know the latest situation about it?

A: Our Chinland Government will not be responsible for meeting with the Chin Brotherhood Alliance. The Chinland Council is responsible for it. The Chinland Council already has the coordination committee. That coordination committee will proceed with it.

Q: Are there more Chin forces participating in the Chinland Council and the Chinland Government? Please explain.

A: There are many Chin national groups which have joined either Chinland Council or Chinland Government. Now Zanniat has submitted a letter to join Chinland Council. Similarly, the letters have been submitted by other groups as Mindat Township Special Region-1 and Kanpetlet Township Special Region-1. Laymyo located on the border of Arakan State and Chin State and Laytu area have submitted letters. We have a policy in accepting them as members. We will accept them only when they comply with our policy. In any case, accepting them as a group is a matter to which we must pay special attention to avoid the issue of causing disunity among our fellow citizens. So, we have drawn up the policy. According to that policy, if they meet the qualifications, we will accept them.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: The establishment of Chinland and the Chinland Council is to implement the interests of the entire Chin people. It also aims to further strengthen the revolution. In any case, there are groups that have not been able to join us yet. The door is open for them to join us. All the representatives from the parliamentarian group, unitedly formulated the policy of the council after a series of meetings. However, we understand the fact that they can’t participate in it due to various difficulties. In any case, I would like to say that we as a nation must be united as one. Thank you.

Sent by KMG


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