“The military council looks chaotic. This military service law will go to the positive side if we can apply it pre-emptively.” Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a Myanmar political and military affairs analyst

Caption-Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw

An interview with Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a Myanmar political and military analyst, about the impacts of the enforcement of the People’s Military Service Law on the Myanmar people.

The military council announced that it had enacted the People’s Military Service Law on 10 February.

The Narinjara interviewed Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw about the impacts on the Myanmar people after the activation of the People’s Military Service Law.

Q: What kind of impacts will the enactment of People’s Military Service Law have on the people of Myanmar?

A: I think the military council is a bit chaotic. It’s a double-edged sword. The army is losing more and more. That’s why the people are forcibly drafted to the junta’s military. On the other hand, ex-captain Nay Myo Zin said recently it is like arming the public. I have read the news on the internet that the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) groups urge either forcibly-recruited soldiers or police to contact them at any time. I think the situation in Myanmar will become worse. I think the military council will implement it chaotically. Our revolutionary side has to do our work. The military council looks chaotic. This military service law will go to the positive side if we can apply it pre-emptively. They will give military training and arm the youths. After that, we will have to organize them to join the revolution. However, it is not an easy task. People will be in all kinds of ways. It is dead sure that the military council is very chaotic as it has chopped and changed with its strategies.

Q: There is some criticism that this law may have more impact on the grass-roots. They will be used as human shields on the front lines. So please comment on it.

A: Take a look at the incident in the north, if we can organize the soldiers there, we don’t need to put them on the frontline. We can try to persuade everyone to change sides.  It depends on them. The military has provided a large quantity of weapons in the north. No one fought back. They surrendered with all the weapons. The longer it takes, the more similar cases will occur. There is something to worry about this.  But the people on our side of the revolution need to organize them quickly. I really like it. The CDM groups immediately started announcing their plans. It will be easy if we can do such things preemptively. They can’t form an army whenever they want. Nothing to worry about that.

Q: After the military council has announced the People’s Military Service Law, parents are very worried about their children. What do you think about this?

A: No need to worry about this. We can fight only when we have desire, belief and enthusiasm. If the military calls you up, go along with them. Then, you can try to escape at the suitable time. As I said earlier, the junta soldiers in the north surrendered with their weapons without doing anything. First you should try to escape conscription. If you are unable to do it, go along with them and try to escape. Especially, in big cities like Yangon, it can’t be worse than this. If you are drafted into the army, you will join it and make your own escape. Our revolutionaries need to contact them in a pre-emptive manner. In addition to the release of statements, we need to try to contact and help them.

Q: Now that the situation in the country is so bad, what will happen to the military council?

A: As I have said several times, our Spring Revolution is the last battle against the military dictatorship that we have been fighting for more than 60 years and almost 70 years. This military dictatorship will surely fall. But I can’t predict how long it will take. All the people who don’t like the military dictatorship should fight unitedly, actively and harmoniously. Victory is closer if we can fight it as much as we can. The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MMDAA) in the north has fought back several times. It has been fighting the military for 20 years. At this time, the MNDAA’s military strategy is also correct. All groups can be integrated. They have achieved success thanks to the integration of the Spring Revolution. This is a lesson for the Spring Revolution forces in the whole country. It is a lesson that the army will collapse if we can form an alliance properly and harmoniously. This is a very good lesson. So, I don’t want the public to worry about it. I am also active this time. I have been making revolution for almost 40 years. I have been making revolution every day since I left my house in Yangon in 1976. We can do everything to fight the military dictatorship. Even if we can do nothing, we can make revolution by writing articles. Now, I am talking in this interview. It’s been 40 years. I strongly believe in my heart that this time it will be final. So, I would like to urge the public to be patient and keep trying. We are close to victory.

Sent by Narinjara.


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