“Some residents have even reopened their shops in the town. People can now move freely in the town. The town is currently under the control of the People’s Defense Forces. They have also secured the parameters of the town. They will fight back if the army attacks.” – A local resident gathering information about the current situation in Kawlin

Caption – Kawlin after the battle that led to the seizure of the town

An interview with a local resident gathering information about the current situation in Kawlin

On 6 November, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs), the People’s Defense Teams and the resistance forces seized control of the town of Kawlin in an offensive. On 8 November, the National Unity Government (NUG) formed and established the Kawlin District Administration Coordination Committee. During the fighting that led to the capture of Kawlin, the NUG also announced that it had seized cash amounting to 952.343 million kyats from the Myanma Economic Bank branch in Kawlin District.

In addition, the Kawlin District Administration Coordination Committee announced on 14 November that residents who fled during the fighting can now return to the town. To find out more about the situation, Shanni Voice interviewed a local resident who is gathering information about the situation in Kawlin.

Q: What is the security situation in the town now that residents have been told to return home?

A: The area has been cleared and some want to return home. So they have issued a notice allowing those who want to return home to do so. They just want to return home because it is difficult to find food and shelter outside the town. But some are still afraid that the enemy (the military) will attack from the air, so they don’t want to go back yet. The residents are kind of stuck in this situation. Some residents have even reopened their shops in the town. People can now move freely in the town. The town is currently under the control of the People’s Defense Forces. They have also secured the parameters of the town. They will fight back if the army attacks.

Q: We heard that some locals were arrested after the capture of the town. Is that true?

A: Yes, when the military council’s army re-entered the area on 11 November, they took 13 civilians. They were from Kyunhlakhon village on the outskirts of Kawlin. Among those arrested was a CDM railway worker. One of the 13 people managed to escape on 13 November, leaving 12 in junta detention. The escapee told us that the remaining 12 were forced to dig bomb shelters on Moegaung Hill. They were grouped into a team of three. He escaped by chance.

Q: We heard that the military council suffered heavy losses during the battle of Kawlin. What are they doing now?

A: They want to advance into the area again. But if they do, they will be fought back by the security forces deployed around the town. Yesterday, the security forces attacked them near Moegaung Hill. One PDF and six or seven junta soldiers were killed in the battle. They then retreated from Moegaung Hill to Wuntho base.

Q: Are there still clashes between the two sides? What is the military situation on both sides?

A: There will still be fighting because they want to retake Kawlin. They want to retake the town, so they are maneuvering from any side that suits them. At the moment we know that they want to retake the town by advancing from Wuntho and Kanbalu. So both sides are keeping a close eye on the other side’s movements.

Q: Is there a sense of security for the residents if they return to Kawlin now?

A: Some have already returned; others are still waiting for a safer situation for them. It depends on the situation, because the military council is still trying to retake the town. The defense forces are still in control of the town. The administrative functions in the city have been resumed. Security forces have also been deployed around the town. Although it is not very safe, the situation now seems liveable. As we are still in the revolutionary period, people in other areas also need to be vigilant. I also heard that after Kawlin, the defense forces plan to continue capturing Wuntho. So people need to remain vigilant.

Sent by Shanni Voice.


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