KNLA issues order to avoid travelling together with junta soldiers in Mon and Tanintharyi

Photo-Karen National Media

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) issued an order, warning the public not to travel together with military council soldiers in Mon State and Tanintharyi Region starting 15 June.

The statement said the vehicles traveling along No. 8 road in Mawlamyine, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat, Yay, Dawei and Myeik Townships in Mon State and Tanintharyi Region must strictly follow the order.

There are four points in the order issued by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA).  The four orders are: 1. Buses and the public travelling in Mawlamyine, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat, Ye, Dawei and Myeik and No.8 road need to accept the inspection of the KNLA members, 2. Do not carry the persons associated with the military council and materials, 3. Do not travel together with junta soldiers and 4. Other EAOs and vehicles are required to accept inspection.

Photo-Karen National Media

A resident who did not want to be named said: “These days fighting is going on. Do not travel. They have to do this because they want to distinguish the enemy from the people. In the past, innocent people were killed.”

At present, fighting is taking place between the military council troops and a combined force of the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) in Mawlamyine, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat, Ye, Dawei and Myeik Townships. Locals have fled to safer places.

The announcement was released with the signature of Battalion Commander Saw Ne Dar Htoo of the KNLA Brigade (6), No.27.

The KNLA said it has to issue the statement as military council soldiers are travelling using passengers as cover.

In addition, the KNLA has already penetrated and controlled the road along the No. 8 road. Travellers are urged to follow the order so as not to cause any harm.

According to the report from the KNU (Central), there were 9,000 battles in the KNU-controlled territories in Karen State, Mon State, Bago Region and Tanintharyi Region during over two years of the coup. More than 400,000 locals in the KNU-controlled territories have been displaced by the military council’s ground offensive and airstrikes.

Sent by Narinjara


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