Military council arrests nearly 30 locals as human shields in Yebyu Township


A military column which advances Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region arrested around 30 locals as human shields, locals and revolutionary forces told the Than Lwin Times.

The military column of over 50 soldiers entered Wetchaung village in Yebyu Township on the morning of 8 May and arrested nearly 20 locals as human shields.

The military column re-entered Khamaukchaung village and arrested nearly ten locals. Then, they are stationed in a school in Khamaukchaung village, a local said.

The military council detained locals in the school, according to locals.

Tension continues to mount due to the military council’s offensive. Fighting may intensify, an official of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) told the Than Lwin Times.

The military council constantly arrests locals as human shields whenever it carries out offensives in villages of Tanintharyi Region.

On 26 April, the military council arrested approximately 100 locals in Range and Waeyit villages in Thayetchaung Township. The detainees were released two days later and then the military column withdrew from the village.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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