15 junta soldiers killed and two arrested in Nyaungwaing ward battle in Moebye


Fifteen junta soldiers were killed, two others arrested in a battle between the military council and Moebye People’s Defense Force (PDF) Battalion-1, at Nyaungwaing ward in Moebye on the Shan-Kayah border on the morning of 26 April, an official of Moebye PDF Battalion-1 said.

“Fifteen junta soldiers from Nyaungwaing were killed in the battle that started at 4 am and ended at 10 am. We could seize all weapons and arms,” he said.

In the six-hour-long battle, the military council conducted airstrikes twice. There were no reports of casualties in the airstrikes. But the airstrikes destroyed two civilian houses.

Locals no longer stay in that ward. The junta soldiers are stationed there for around three months.
The Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) (Pekon Zone) issued a statement, warning the public to avoid using Moebye-Pekon road this morning.

Fighting takes place every day between the military council and the combined force of Karenni defense forces in southern Shan State and Karenni State. As the military council has suffered heavy casualties.

The combined force could seize ammunition, the military council is conducting airstrikes even on civilian targets.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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