NUG and Northern Alliance send messages to 14th Anniversary of the founding of ULA/AA


The National Unity Government (NUG), the Palaung State Liberation Front / Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) and the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/ Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA) sent messages to the United of League of Arakan /Arakan Army (ULA/AA) on 14th Anniversary of Founding of the ULA/AA, which falls on 10 April.

In its message, the NUG said today the ULA/AA has turned 14. The ULA/AA was formed to enable the Arakan people to fully enjoy self-determination and autonomy. We share the same pride with the Arakan people.

We earnestly remember and take a bow to Arakanese martyrs and heroes and the entire Arakan people who sacrificed their life, property and limb during a 14-year rough revolutionary journey.

In its message, the NUG said the AA stands with the oppressed people in the Spring Revolution and is making strong resistance against the common enemy. The AA is extending a helping hand to the revolutionary forces. The NUG wishes the AA may fully implement the political and national expectations of Arakan people.

In the message, the PSLF, the TNLA, the MNTJP and the MNDAA will continue to stand unitedly and participate in the fight against the junta together with the ULA/AA. We wish all ULA/AA leaders and comrades may be in good health and all Arakan people may enjoy their self-determination and autonomy as soon as possible.

In its message, the Three Brotherhood Alliance said it will firmly join hands with anti-junta organizations to overcome the current situations.

On 10 April, the ULA/AA was formed at the KIO headquarters in Laiza of Kachin State.

Sent by Htay Htay Aung (Narinjara)


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