ALP says it joins hands with any Arakan revolutionary organizations for liberation of entire Arakan people


The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) will join hands with any Arakan revolutionary organizations for the liberation of the entire Arakan people, on the 56th anniversary of the founding of ALP, which falls on 9 April.

The ALP will join hands with political parties, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and armed organizations which are revolutionizing the dictatorship.

“We adhere to the major policy of the ALP adopted by ex-chair Khaing Moe Lin, which is the liberation of the entire Arakan people. We are making continued efforts to enable political parties, CSOs and the entire Arakan people to work collectively and unitedly. We are working on it,” Khaing Kyaw Khaing, General Secretary of the ALP told Narinjara.

The founding day ceremony was held with a military parade by Battalion Commander Khaing Hla Pyae and comrades held at Ramawaddy Battalion in the ALP’s East Military Region on the Thai-Myanmar border.

Khaing Kyaw Khaing said for the freedom of the entire Arakan people and the success of the revolution, the ALP has opened the door to any Arakan armed organizations to join hands in the revolution.

On 9 April, 1967, the ALP was set up by chair Khaing Pyi Thein.

In 1974, the ALP members released from the jail re-established the ALP for the second time under the leadership of Chair Khaing Moe Lin.

In 1976, the ALP’s historic Moe Line Yar Zar column led by Chair Khaing Moe Lin started an over 2,000-mile-long trip from Karen State to Arakan State. The ALP suffered losses as the Myanmar army cornered the column with excessive forces. Chair Khaing Moe Lins died and leaders and comrades got arrested.

In 1981, the ALP was re-established for the third time after the release of Chair Khaing Ray Khaing.
Till date since then, the ALP is headquartered on the border of Arakan-India- Bangladesh.

The ALP was re-established for the fourth time under the leadership of chair Khaing Ray Khaing in January, 2022.

Sent by Htay Htay Aung (Narinjara)


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