Intense fighting displaces locals near Leiktho


Locals are fleeing to safer places as they are concerned about intense fighting following the attacks on four military outposts on Taungoo-Leiktho road in Thandaunggyi Township in Karen State, according to locals from Leiktho.

The Leiktho-based military outpost fired heavy shells into the villages near the military outposts and the military council conducted airstrikes in Bahome and Htonebogyi villages after a combined force of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the alliance forces carried out synchronized attacks on Htonebogyi, Kyauklone, Bahome and Thanmoetaung military outposts, according to local news sources.

Artillery shelling and airstrikes destroyed some civilian houses. Locals from the villages near these military outposts have fled to safer places, a local said.

“The military council fired guns into the air all night citing that the PDFs were approaching last night. The military fired heavy shells into the suspected places.

The people near four military outposts fled to the farms as well as to downtown as they no longer dare to live there and are concerned about intense fighting, the local said.

On 28 March, the military council carried out reinforcements of troops at the outposts stationed on Leiktho road and conducted patrols. The military council fired heavy shells into some suspected places, locals said.

A local told the Karen Information Center (KIC): “The military council reinforced six military vehicles after an attack on Bahome outpost. However, the military council sent three military vehicles to Leiktho. I don’t know to which outposts the military council sends the remaining vehicles. At night, the junta soldiers are on patrol near Leiktho.”

Some families are moving to downtown Taungoo as fighting may intensify at any time. The families which have the older persons and children are taking shelter in nearby farms and villages, locals from Thandaunggyi Township.

On 27 March, a combined force of the KNLA and the PDFs attacked five military outposts. The military council suffered heavy casualties with the death of the deputy military commander, according to regional media.

Civilian casualties were reported as the military council fired heavy shells into the town following the clash between the military council and the KNLA in Leiktho in late February. In addition, the military council burned at least 10 houses there. Some locals are taking shelter in nearby places as they feel unsafe to go home.

Sent by Nant Hsan Htee (KIC)


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