Junta’s ration convoy ambushed in Katha


Around ten junta soldiers were killed in ambush attacks on a military convoy which left Katha Township for Indaw Township, according to the Indaw People’s Defense Force (PDF).

The PDF ambushed the military council’s ration convoy of around 300 soldiers twice—one on 20 March and one near the gravel crusher on Katha road on 21 March.

“The military convoy transports rations from Katha to Indaw. That military convoy faced ambush attacks to and fro. I saw ten soldiers falling down. Many others were wounded,” a member of Indaw PDF said.

At least 20 junta soldiers were killed in two ambush attacks. The military council carried the bodies of the soldiers killed in the ambush attacks by military vehicles, Indaw PDF says.

The Kachin News Group (KNG) is unable to separately confirm the number of casualties.

At night on 20 March, the military council transported rations and weapons to Indaw sports ground.

On 20 and 21 March, there were the exchanges of gunfire between a combined force of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the PDF and the military council for nearly 30 minutes.

Currently, more than 50 junta soldiers are stationed in Narrakhaung village in Indaw Township. In addition, more than 50 junta soldiers are stationed in Nanthar village between Indaw-Banmauk.

“Now the army has deployed soldiers everywhere. In addition, the army uses many soldiers in transporting rations. The army is trying to open a new military camp.”

The military council is carrying out the regular military activities with the use of many soldiers in Indaw Township which is on the border of Kachin State and Sagaing Region. The township also sees regular battles.

The military council declared martial law in Indaw Township. In addition to the deployment of soldiers, weapons and rations, the military council is preparing to build a strategic military camp on the Chingone mountain located about two miles from Indaw.

Sent by KNG


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