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“The current problem is between the SSPP and the RCSS. We would like to call on other organizations, Tatmadaw and the people’s militia forces not to interfere in it. Undesirable impacts will occur due to their interference.” Lt-Col Sai Su, Spokesperson of the SSPP/SSA

An interview with Lt-Col Sai Su, Spokesperson of the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA)

May 5th, 2022

The NMG interviewed Lt-Col Sai Su, Spokesperson of the SSPP/SSA about the current military tension in the southern Shan State, the involvement of organizations in the tension, the situations on the ground and how many the RCSS members defected to the SSPP in the last week of April and why did they join the SSPP.

Q: The military council is carrying out the deployments of troops. May I know the situation?

A: It is taking place in Sanin. Sanin is located in the west of Panglong. They marched to the place where we are stationed. They want to invade our makeshift base camp. There is a little military tension.

Q: May I know the number of soldiers included in the military column?

A: The military column covers around 50 soldiers. Around 80 to 100 soldiers are active in the nearby areas.

Q: Is it the military council’s military column alone? Are there other troops?

A: The people’s militia force is invited in Eastern Central Command. The people’s militia from Pa-O is invited. The people’s militia force has to join it as they threaten the militia force to conduct an offensive against the SSA. They are making preparations. The RCSS has prepared for the military columns. Some groups are approaching us. Today, the military council’s troops approached our camp. The military aims to crush our camp. We cannot control the situation if there is a clash. It is reported in Panglong Township. But there is no such an act in other areas. The RCSS is involved in it. The RCSS has approached the nearby area. The military column and the RCSS military are approaching our camps. Other groups are stationed a little bit far away. For instance, the SSS and the PNO.

Q: May fighting occur?

A: There is no big problem if they do what they said. Fighting may occur if they fail to keep their promise.

Q: Which topics were discussed between the SSPP and the military council?

A: We don’t want them to invade our areas. We have told them not to enter our territory. There will be clashes if they make movements.

Q: Is there any force which helps the SSPP fight?

A: No need to worry about it even if we are alone. There will be many corporations if they attack us.

Q: The members of the RCSS joined the SSPP. How many members joined the SSPP?

A: The RCSS members joined us. Now we let them return to their home as some members wanted to go home. We let them get their former ranks and perform their duties from the RCSS. There are more than 300 members.

Q: Why did the RCSS members join the SSPP?

A: Our SSPP is an army formed with different ethnics. Our SSPP is based on federalism but on races. Shan and other ethnics belong to the Shan State. Our organization practices federalism and is working with other groups and our allies based on equality. There are a lot of problems as the RCSS is based on Shan races. The RCSS has many enemies. The RCSS’s members defected to us as the RCSS has no common enemy and its members are not satisfied with the situation.

Q: Are there other measures taken to reduce the current military tension?

A: Recently, we met in Nay Pyi Taw. The major problem is the invasion of the RCSS in most of the places where we are active. We have told the Tatmadaw not to interfere in the problem with the RCSS. We coordinated with the RCSS on the demarcation of the area. The problem will arise due to the Tatmadaw’s interference. They asked us to withdraw. We cannot say exactly whether we will withdraw or not. The RCSS made an invasion into most of our territory after signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). They forced us to withdraw from the territory before the talk with the RCSS. We cannot accept it. They give a lot of reasons. There are the military columns from the RCSS, the military and the people’s militia force. The situation will be complicated if the fighting takes place. I think holding talks is convenient at present. No result will come out if there is no compromise.

Q: How do you contact the RCSS?

A: Now, we sent messages to the RCSS. The main point is the road. Kholan-Namhsam road. Tarkaw. Union Road. The road connecting Tachilek-Thailand via Taunggyi. We told them to stay in the south area of the road. We have demarcated the boundary. We have coordinated with the RCSS to avoid the problem. The RCSS is buying time and has given no reply to us. They have threatened to shoot us if we don’t withdraw while waiting for their reply. We accept it. There is no reason.

Q: How do you respond to the fact that the Sanin area which sees military tension is the RCSS’s territory?

A: This is our Shan State. The establishment of our SSPP did not start in the northern Shan State. Our Wan Hai was based in the southern Shan State. The RCSS created the problem after moving from the north. The RCSS stationed the camps in Sanin. We drove off the RCSS. Now the Bamar army is stationed in the temporary camp. The RCSS did not give the guarantees that they will not be stationed there if we withdraw from the camp for one day. It is questionable. I would especially like to call on the Tatmadaw not to involve in undesirable problems.

Q: May I know your view on the intrusion of areas by the RCSS and the military column?

A: The RCSS signed the NCA. The military gives a favour to the RCSS after NCA signing. It is questionable. Recently, Tatmadaw conferred the Wunna Kyaw Htin title on Col Ywet Sit. Are they doing revolution for the country, national affairs or other groups? It is a very funny thing.

Q: Which message does the SSPP want to convey to the people in Shan State about the current military tension, in addition to the SSPP?

A: We will avoid the clashes which will harm the public even if there are clashes. We will avoid fighting in the villages if other organizations don’t attack us. We will fight back in self-defense if other organizations attack us. We have no plan to do the special military operations in other areas. At present, we are making coordination by buying time to hold talks with the RCSS. The public no need to worry about it. The public can make a complaint to us about the cases which may cause a burden to the public and oppress the public in the places where our troops are stationed. We will avoid fighting which may harm the public.

Q: How will the SSPP deal with the military council’s order to withdraw the troops?

A: We cannot say whether we will withdraw our troops or not. We will not withdraw as long as the RCSS and the SSPP cannot demarcate the boundary.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: What we want to say is that the current problem is between the SSPP and the RCSS. I would like to call on other organizations, the people’s militia forces and the Tatmadaw not to interfere in it. I would like to tell them they would face undesirable consequences if they interfere in it.

Sent by the NMG.

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