”Exta judicial killings are reported mainly in 2024. This is a year in which the number of people killed due to extra judicial killings has increased. Human rights violations are always happening in prisons.” Ko Thike Tun Oo, Spokesperson of PPNM

Caption - Ko Thike Tun Oo, Spokesperson of Political Prisoners Network-Myanmar (PPNM).

On 18 April, the prisoners protested peacefully in the Myitkyina prison in Kachin State, citing that the military council’s amnesty was unfair.

At least 4 prisoners were killed and tens others were injured as the military council violently cracked down on the prisoners for inciting a riot in the prison.

Than Lwin Times interviewed Ko Thike Tun Oo, Spokesperson of the PPNM about the violent crackdown on prisoners in Myitkyina prison and severe violations of human rights against political prisoners in the junta-run prisons.

Q: First, please tell us about the incident which resulted in the mass killings and injuries of prisoners in Myitkyina Prison.

A: The prisoners in Myitkyina prison have assumed that they are entitled to the one-sixth sentence reduction by the military council as from 4 pm on 18 April. Some political prisoners have such feelings. They reported it to the prison officer along with a prison staff. The unsuccessful discussion led to the dispute between other inmates and prison staff.

The dispute occurred at a time when the feelings of those who are not entitled to the sentence reduction ran high. The prisoners themselves staged a peaceful protest in the prison in the belief that they themselves must demand their liberation. The unsystematic crackdown on prisoners by prison staff led to the riot.

The prison asked for the help from army and police to bring the prison riot under control. At around 4:30 pm, a total of around 70 soldiers and police members arrived in the prison. Soon, the shots were heard. Warning shots were aimed at threatening prisoners. They intentionally fired live bullets into the crowds to cause mass killings.

Q: Why were the prisoners who have the rights to enjoy the one-sixth sentence reduction by the military council, released? May I know your view on it?

A: The first point is the military council’s statment is unclear and dihonest. The military’s first priority is not to grant amnesty to anti-junta armed people. All the people imprisoned under the sections of the Arms Act are not entitled to the amnesty. They don’t get amnesty as the prisoners who will have to serve one-sixth of the remaining prison term. The Prison Department can’t expound it transparently. The military council’s intentional statement has resulted in prison protests and riots.

Q: What do you think of the military council’s announcement that they had to crack down on the prisoners as they attacked the staff of the Prison Department?

A: In fact, the prisoners have no weapons. This is the result of unclear statement. It wouldn’t lead to the conflict if in-charges of the Prison Department, who were aware of the dissatisfaction of prisoners, had made the statements clearer. Another point is the lack of proper actions by prison staff led to such a dispute.

The message I would like to covey to the public is that prisoners just made demands and demonstrations. They did not attempt to break the prison and escape by attacking staff. They just demanded their rights in the prison. The military council intentionally fired shots into the crowds for mass deaths and injuries.

In fact, the prisoners had no any weapons when they got beaten in the prison. No one is allowed to carry weapons in the prison. Even a toothpick is not allowed to take in the prison. Even the toothbrush is broken in half in the prison. The prisoners are not allowed to carry any dangerious materials. Prison staff always check whether there are dangerious materials in the prison. Stick, knife and weapons are just an excuse.

Q: To what degree, did the prisoners suffer the military council’s excessive crackdown? Which kinds of facts and data has the PPNM received?

A: First of alls, at least four prisoners were killed in the brutal crackdown. According to the latest report, the number of death toll has reached six. One prisoner was seriously injured. Five prisoners are in critical condition. Four prisoners need medical care. A total of 16 prisosners are in life-threatening situation. This is the report till 18 and 19 April. As of 3 pm on 19 April, the bodies of prisoners were transported to the military compound by fire engines. It is difficult to say whether they are injured and dead as we can’t confirm it.

Q: Why did the military council re-arrest the former president of the Kachin Baptist Christian (KBC), Dr. Hkalam Samson, who was released from Myitkyina prison?

A: At least 5 well-known people were released this time. Some of them were serving long-term sentences. Those who faced court trials and were imprisoned for more than three years, were set free. The prison department released them as they had served their prison terms. Not only the public but also the media know they have been released. On that day, they were on the highlight. The military council made negotiation with them as it was concerned and assumed that the freeing of them shall help speed up the revolution. They could get re-arrested if the military council dislikes its negotiation with them. We will continue to monitor it. In my view, Dr. Hkalam Samson has more chance of getting arrested rather than freeing as his stance is firm. The main reason is the military council is concerned about them, following the news coverage by the media about the release of those who can cause a danger to it. So, the military council warned them. They will be sent to the prison again if the discussion is not satisfactory.

Q: Finally, how badly is the military council committing human rights violations in prisons across the country?

A: The current situation in prisons across the country is like a frontline battleground. Our political prisoners cannot carry any weapons. However, on the other side, the enemy, the Prison Department, the military and the police, under the military council, are armed and intentionally target political prisoners, are systematically committing extra judicial killings of prisoners.

In an attempt to hide the truth, the military council’s propaganda media covered the news that the prison department’s action was correct and legal. This year reportedly records the violations of human rights by prison staff on the ground, soldiers and police members. Exta judicial killings are reported mainly in 2024. This is a year in which the number of people killed due to extra judicial killings has increased. Human rights violations are always happening in prisons. We would like to say that we are always enduring oppression and torture.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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