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“The current problem in Myanmar is not the political problem between the military council and the EAOs. The current crisis cannot be solved by the EAOs and the military council alone. The problem created by the military council is the problem between the public and the military council. The CNF has no plan to hold talks with the military council.” Salai Htet Ni, Spokesperson of the CNF.

An interview with the CNF’s Spokesperson Salai Htet Ni.

April 28th, 2022

Coup leader Min Aung Hlaing invited the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) to hold peace talks via a television address on April 22th. The KMG interviewed Salai Htet Ni, the Spokesperson of the Chin National Front (CNF) about the CNF’s view on the peace invitation.

Q: May I know the CNF’s view on Coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing’s invitation of the EAOs to the peace talks?

A: The first point is the current problem in Myanmar is not the political problem between the military council and the EAOs. The current crisis cannot be solved by the EAOs and the military council alone. The problem created by the military council is the problem between the public and the military council. The CNF has no plan to hold talks with the military council.

Q: Why did Senior General Min Aung Hlaing invite the EAOs to the peace talks?

A: The invitation of the EAOs to the peace talks aims to get the political advantage from the international point of view and ensure the regional stability for the 2023 Election by crushing local defense forces.

Q: Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said he would meet all EAOs in person. The members of the State Administration Council would hold talks with the EAOs. Which results can we expect from the meeting?

A: It is not strange whether he meets with the EAOs in person or the SAC members hold talks with the EAOs. Will the SAC accept our demand for the unconditional nationwide ceasefire before the meeting? So, nothing can be expected from it.

Q: The coup leader urged the EAOs to send the names of two leaders who will attend the meeting to the SAC no later than May 9th. Does the CNF have a plan to attend the meeting?

A: We don’t hold discussions about it. Not yet.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: Our EAOs, local PDFs, the public and organizations which have the same goal to root out the military council should not be mystified by the SAC’s invitation. We need to join hands unitedly without veering from our path. We must take a firm stance on our goal.

Sent by the KMG.

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