13 civilians killed in junta’s shelling in Mon State in May

Photo - KHRG

Thirteen civilians were killed in the military council’s indiscriminate shelling in Mon State in May, according to a report by Lagoon Eain Newsletter about Mon Region Human Rights.

The shelling also wounded 41 civilians including five children and destroyed more than 50 civilian houses. Among them, Thathon Township is the most severely affected.

According to the report, the situation of human rights violations in Mon State has worsened this year, and the indiscriminate shelling is one of the main reasons for the worsening of the situation of human rights violations.

Min Than Lwin, who is in charge of the New Ramanya Federal Force (NRFF), which published the Lagoon Eain report, said that because of the heavy shelling, the Mon people are living and sleeping in fear.

Min Than Lwin said, “People’s lives and property are threatened to such an extent that weapons could land at any time, even in the comfort of their own homes. While walking in the yard and on the streets, the weapon could land on your head and nearby areas at any time.”

“The people in north and south of Mon State have to live and sleep with a constant fear that heavy shells could hit them and their families.

Thaton, Bilin, Kyaikhto and Kyaikmayaw Townships, which have seen intense fighting, and martial law-imposed Ye Township, were most affected by the military council’s shelling threats, the report says.

With the intensification of armed conflicts, the military council’s shelling threats have worsened human rights violations and have huge impacts on the lives and property of the civilians.

According to the Lagoon Eain report, the military council indiscriminately fired more than 70 rounds of heavy shells at the public areas and villages in March and April, resulting in the destruction of over 460 civilian houses in Mon State.

At a time when the military council is facing losses, it is intentionally committing violence acts such as targeted attacks on the civilian populations, thefts, robbery and destruction of public property, says the Lagoon Eain report.

Sent by Than Lwin Times


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