KIA takes control of two junta camps on Sadone-Kanpiketi road

Caption - Warshaung 13th Mile Checkpoint.

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied forces have launched simultaneous assaults on four pivotal strategic junta camps situated along the Sadone-Kanpiketis road in Waingmaw Township, Kachin State.

At around 4 am on 11 June, the KIA and allied forces launched simultaneous attacks on 13th Mile gate on the Gawsetyang-Chisphwe, Bum Tawng People’s militia camp, Dinggar camp and Sadone Wang Kawng strategic hill near Warshaung village on Sadone-Kanpiketi road, said a KIA frontline source.

At around 9 am on 11 June, the KIA and allied forces captured 13th mile gates near Warshaung village and Bum Tawng People’s militia camp.

A local man from Waingmaw close to the KIA said, ÒFighting is still intensifying in Sadone Wang Kawng strategic hill and Dinggar camp.”

The Sodone strategic camp, which fierce fighting is taking place, is a camp stationed on the eastern hill of Sodone, and it is also a strategic camp that controls the entire town of Sodone.

Currently, the 13-mile gate which was captured by the KIA is located at the junction of Chiphwe-Sadone road over Warshaung village. The militia and military council troops had long been stationed for many years there.

The 13-mile gate is a very strict checkpoint that inspects passengers and drivers going to Chiphwe, Sadone and Kanpiketi. After the military coup, the KIA army frequently fired at the gate with heavy weapons.

Bum Tawng people’s militia camp is a frontline security camp located above the No.13 assembly gate. Although the camp has a small military strength, it is militarily crucial for the assembly gate and Sadone-Kanpiketi road

The KIA joint forces have launched an offensive to capture the last military council camps on the Sadone- Kanpiketi road in Waingmaw Township in June.

In May, the KIA and allied forces captured more than 10 junta bases and camps near Dabak creek in Waingmaw Township and in the vicinity of Waingmaw town.

At present, there are only two junta camps — the Infantry Battalion 58 and the Wuyan People’s Militia camp — left in Waingmaw Township,

Sent by KNG


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