“Our stance is federal democracy. Political change in Myanmar is about regaining the lost rights of the ethnic peoples in a federal democratic union of Myanmar and the lost rights of the Naga people.” – Eno Jimi Naga (ENDA, General Secretary )

Caption - Eastern Naga Defense Army (ENDA)

An interview with Eno Jimi Naga, General Secretary of Eastern Naga Defense Army (ENDA)

After the 2021 military coup, new armed ethnic groups emerged across Myanmar along with the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs). Among them is the Eastern Naga National Organization/Eastern Naga National Army (ENNO/ENNA), which operates alongside the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) for the Naga people living in Kachin State and the northern Sagaing Region.

While it is difficult to talk about ENDA’s military affairs, KNG interviewed Secretary General Eno Jimi Naga about ENNO/ENDA’s political position.

Q: Please introduce the name of the organization first.

A: We are the Eastern Naga National Organization (ENNO)/Eastern Naga Defense Army (ENDA).

Q: How would you explain the terminology of ENNO and ENDA in simple words for people to understand?

A: Eastern Naga refers to the Naga in Myanmar, not the Indian side. So it refers to the Naga national government and the Naga army.

Q: Please also tell us date the organization was formed and what is its purpose.

A: It was formed on 4 November 2021. The purpose of its formation is to defend and administer our eastern Naga region, to jointly attack the common enemy and to cooperate with allied brotherhoods with similar military objectives and brotherhoods with similar lineage and history for the benefit of the Naga people and the country.

Q: Can you briefly explain the stance of your organization?

A: A: Our stance is federal democracy. Political change in Myanmar is about regaining the lost rights of the ethnic peoples in a federal democratic union of Myanmar and the lost rights of the Naga people. We will also defend the existence of the Naga state for the Naga people.

Q: The armed group NSCN-K also operates in Naga areas. What is the difference between NSCN-K and ENN/ENDA?

A: The difference between our organization is that we are striving for a federal system (Eastern Nagaland) within the Eastern Naga state, while the NSCN-K still adheres to the socialist (Leninist-Marxist) principle even today, which leads to a decline in public support from the people of Eastern Nagaland. That is why we have now formed ENNO/ENDA.

Q: How strong is ENDA at present? Does ENDA have the recognition of the Naga people? If not, why not? And if yes, to what extent have they recognized them?

A: ENNO/ENDA is now operating in the entire Eastern Nagaland region. ENDA troops are present in all areas of eastern Nagaland. About 80% of the people know and accept our government. The military strength is still in the build-up phase.

Q: What have been the biggest challenges for ENO/ENDA since its formation?

A: The biggest challenges for ENNO/ENDA are the difficulty in spreading the voice of ENNO and reaching out to social welfare groups coming to Eastern Nagaland from abroad.

Q: What potential benefits could the formation of ENNO/ENDA bring to the Naga people?

A: Politically, economically, individual rights – the biggest benefits are political freedom and national interest.

Q: What does ENNO/ENDA need to do to gain the trust of the Naga people?

A: We plan to create regionally appropriate and inclusive policies and frameworks that reflect the aspirations of the people through participation and consultation.

Q: Do you have anything else to add?

A: No.

Sent by KNG.


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