“We have no cooperation with the military council and have not held a political dialogue with the military council. We have not attacked them since the military coup in 2021. They don’t attack us and neither do we. We don’t want to fight the organizations and the people who don’t attack us.” Sr. JK, Acting Spokesperson of Zomi Revolutionary Army (Eastern Command)

Caption- Zomi Revolutionary Army

An interview with Sr. JK, Acting Spokesperson of Zomi Revolutionary Army (Eastern Command)

Zomi Revolutionary Army (Eastern Command) attacked the Chinland Defense Force (CDF)-Tonzang based in northern Chin State on 31 August and 10 September. Two comrades from CDF-Tonzang were killed in the attack and CDF-Tonzang lost a lot of arms and ammunition. Zomi Revolutionary Army (Eastern Command) destroyed and captured the CDF camps based in Tedim and Tonzang Townships. It usually clashes with the Chin National Army (CNA) and CDFs.

Due to these circumstances, allegations have emerged that the Zomi Revolutionary Army (Eastern Command) joined forces with the military council and is acting as a border guard force.

The Khonumthung Media Group (KMG) interviewed Sr. JK, Acting Spokesperson of Zomi Revolutionary Army (Eastern Command) about the reason for attacks on CDFs, the spread of rumour about cooperation with the military council and its stance.

Q: When and how was the Zomi Revolutionary Army-ZRA (Eastern Command) established? Can you briefly explain the history?

A: As you know, it is headed by Pu Zo Thang in 2013. The ZRA Eastern Command is an organization that was jointly formed by the Zomi people who live in Myanmar. The ZRA was formed with the purpose of bringing together the Zo Suan (Zo tribe) who live in Myanmar, India and Bangladesh. The ZRA – Eastern Command was formed with the belief that Eastern Command should also have the ZRA. All the policies are included in the Zogam Charter.

Q: So, The ZRA-EC is a group under the ZRA organization. What is the difference between the ZRA and the ZRA-EC?

A: It is only one group. Eastern Command entered Myanmar. It was like a tradition among our Chin people. How to say it, it’s like separating from the parents’ house. However, some headquarters are under the ZRO/ZRA.

Q: What is the stance of ZRA-EC? Where is ZRA-EC based?

A: We are based and active in Tedim District where most of our Zomi ethnic groups live. We are active in Tedim, Tonzang, Kyeekhar, Kalay and Kabaw in Tedim District designated by the military council. We don’t attack people who don’t bother us. We are not an organization that prioritizes the armed struggle, but we are an organization that works in coordination as much as possible. We have to choose the armed struggle if we cannot negotiate. The purpose of taking up arms is the federal government which is in vogue now. It has become fashionable among most Burmese people now. Our goal is to establish a federal system where our own people will be able to govern their own regions and territories. We are moving based on that. That is the purpose of taking up arms. We have no idea that we must fight although we have taken up arms. Other side will listen to what we say only when we have to take up arms.

Q: So, what is the political ambition of the ZRA-EC?

A: As I mentioned earlier, we have a political goal that our own people shall rule our own region and territory. We can stand as a federal unit when the federal system is practiced in Myanmar. We think we should have such an armed organization. Our political goal of having self-determination at least is included in the Zogam charter.

Q: On 5 February, a statement was circulated on the internet that the Zomi Political Coordination Committee and the ZRA-EC are fighting for Zomi state by accepting the State Administration Council’s offer to transform into the Border Guard Force (BGF) and the people’s militia force. Can you explain that? Is it true?

A: It is not true. We have not held talks with the military council either in person or by phone since the formation of the Eastern Command. There is no political and military cooperation with the military council. We have no plan to cooperate with them. We don’t like the statement and the accusation that we have transformed into the BGF. We are the Zomi Revolutionary Army and represent our people. We will not talk with any organization which opposes us. However, we will solve it with the use of arms. What you said is other people’s sharing through a fake account. We have signed neither the political agreement nor the ceasefire agreement with the military council.

Q: There are frequent clashes between the CDFs which emerged from the Spring Revolution and the ZRA-EC in Chin State. Why?

A: That’s clear, as I said before. There is no reason to happen if they live in our own territory and region peacefully. This is due to the invasion of our territory. We do not want any other armed groups to invade our territory. Since the start of the 2021 Spring Revolution, we issued a statement that we do not want any organization in our territory. It can be seen in the statements. There are many reasons for fighting. But the reason is simple. We are not attacking with the intention of starting an attack in our own territory and region. The current battles are due to the reason that the CNA and most of its allies are stationed in our territory. It’s not just that they are stationed, but because they started to attack our camp. That’s why we had to resist. Most of the fighting happened because they were stationed in our territory without our permission. We do not enter their territory and attack them. For instance, we have never invaded and attacked them in Falam, which is closest to Tedim. We do not invade Thantlang, which is near the headquarters of the CNF. Fighting erupts as they enter our area and are stationed and also attack our camps.

Q: There were two clashes at camps No.2 and No.3 in CDF Tongzan. Could you explain why the fighting occurred there?

A: As I said before, they are stationed in our territory without our permission. That’s not the only reason. Our organization told them via phone not to fight in the city as the people may be harmed. We talked about many things. Finally, our efforts have failed. We started attacking them according to the Zogam Charter. We have no desire to fight them. They are preparing to attack us. Fighting took place as we carried out a pre-emptive attack.

Q: CDF Tongzan issued a statement saying that your force attacked CD-Tongzan’s Battalion-3 camp on 31 August in cooperation with the military council. How would you like to comment on that?

A: This is an act that rips the public off. There is no joint attack with the military council. We did it alone. We attacked them as it caused trouble to the public. We don’t cooperate with the military council.

Q: After the military coup, the ZRA-EC did not attack the military council forces but cooperated with them. Can you explain about this?

A: We have no cooperation with the military council and have not held a political dialogue with the military council. We have not attacked them since the military coup in 2021.  They do not attack us and neither do we. We don’t want to fight the organizations and the people who don’t attack us. We are living peacefully. Those who make accusations that we cooperate with the military council, are spreading rumours as they are very worried that the public will support us. We have never cooperated with the military council either politically or militarily. It has been a long time since I want to explain it via the media.

Q:  The ZRA-EC does not want any armed forces in its controlled area. Therefore, we have said that there was a battle with the Chin defense forces which tried to station in our territory. The military council force is also present in your territory. Why is there no battle with the military council? Don’t you want to attack or is there understanding between the two groups?

A: We will not fight any organization that does not fight us. It is already included in our principle. We don’t want to fight an organization that doesn’t fight me. We attacked the CDFs as they started attacking us. We can attack the military council. However, the military council didn’t fight us. They live calmly in their camp. We don’t bother them. They didn’t bother us. Attacking the organization which does not disrupt us is a sheer provocation. It is not in conformity with our policy.

Q: Your organization has set a goal of achieving a federal democracy. The CDFs are making a revolution for democracy. Why don’t your organization launch a revolutionary attack on the military council together with the Chin revolutionary forces?

A: Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC) is a unification of armed organizations in Chin State. The CJDC did not accept us. It also declared us as a terrorist organization. It is impossible to cooperate with them. We don’t want to fight back against an organization that fights us. That’s why we live calmly. The CNA, which is a little stronger among the Chin resistance groups and some of its subordinate organizations, attacks peaceful organizations. This is the reason for fighting with the CDFs. We also do not want to fight with Chin revolutionary organizations. According to our policy, we have taken up arms. However, we have no policy of fighting. If possible, we will make coordination and discussion. Finally, we solve the problem by means of armed struggle.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?

A: I would like to call on the public not to believe the spread of misinformation about us via the fake account and to read the statements released by the ZRA-Eastern Command. I would like to call on CDFs and other organizations to return to their own territories calmly and not to deploy in other territories.

Sent by KMG


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