“As for the current military situation, the Myanmar army has shifted from an offensive to a defensive position. They have launched various types of offensives using aircraft.” – Brigadier-General Saw Ta Ma Lar Thaw, Chief of Staff (G1), KNLA

Caption - Brigadier-General Saw Ta Ma Lar Thaw, Chief of Staff (G1) of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)

An interview with Brigadier-General Saw Ta Ma Lar Thaw, Chief of Staff (G1) of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)

In this interview with the Karen Information Center, Brigadier-General Saw Ta Ma Lar Thaw, Chief of Staff (G1) of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), under the Karen National Union (KNU) Defence Department, discussed its current activities, its possible role in the future federal democratic union, and the military situation in the KNU-administered areas.

Q – After the recent military coup, all forces joined the resistance against the Myanmar’s military council, under the KNU, and they have fought many battles against the military regime. How much territorial dominance has the KNU achieved in the Kawthoolei region so far?

A – We KNU have military and battle ways. On this basis, we conduct military operations. All these plans are under the KNLA. All those who came to join the Spring Revolution had to learn and follow the same ways. We can say that they even expanded or reclaimed territories according to the KNLA plans.

Q – In recent months, you had to destroy some bridges in the Kawthoolei region, which drew criticism from some people? What would you like to say about this?

A – It became known that this was done by the KNLA. There were many different groups and no one was sure who did it. But you have to remember that the military could have done it for their military advantage. They could have done it as well. Take the Brigade 6 area for example, where they destroyed roads with excavators. Such cases are to be expected in this kind of armed conflict. In any case, it is more important to end the current military situation quickly. Only then will there be less suffering for the people.

Q – What do you think needs to be done for the Kawthoolei Army to become a model army when the federal democratic union that people want is achieved?

A – We need to gradually develop into a standard army. There are aspects such as improving capacity, training, and enforcing discipline that need to continue.

Q – What would you like to say on the fact that the wider public has now become more aware of the reason for the Karen people’s resistance against the military regime for over 70 years due to its tyranny and oppression, and the way the Karen people have persevered?

A – Some really don’t know which group or army is the right one. In any case, the KNLA and the KNDO under the umbrella of the KNU will inevitably protect the people. Therefore, they must cooperate with us and support us.

Q – Please give us a brief overview of the current military situation in the Kawthoolei region.

A – As for the current military situation, the Myanmar army has shifted from an offensive to a defensive position. They have launched various types of offensives using aircraft. They have started to attack us with all the weapons and technologies they got from a powerful country. Another point is that the junta is targeting civilians and civilians are forced to flee their homes. It looks like the military regime is attacking with the intention that the KNU will exist as long as generations of Karen learn in schools.

Sent by KIC.


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