“The IDPs have to flee when they (military council soldiers) come. Nobody lives near the places close to them. When soldiers come, locals flee the village. Now, our region hardly sees co-existence. The reason is junta soldiers do something when they enter the village,” Ko Soe Moe Aung, in-charge of S&C Assistance Group for fire and war hazards and education

Caption: A free clinic operated by the S&C Assistance Group for fire and war hazards and education

An interview with an in-charge of S&C Assistance Group for fire and war hazards and education.

Sagaing region is the area most affected by the military council’s arson. S&C Assistance Group for fire and war hazards and education, is working on the reconstruction of houses and the delivery of other necessary assistance to fire victims and Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in Ayardaw, Yinmarbin, Depayin, YeU, Tanze, Salingyi and Shwebo Townships in Sagaing region.

The Shan-ni Voice interviewed Ko Soe Moe Aung, in-charge of the S&C Assistance Group for fire and war hazards and education, about the current situations about the IDPs, the delivery of aid and the areas in Sagaing region.

Q: First, May I know about the S&C team’s aid for the IDPs in Sagaing region?

A: In addition to providing aid for fire and war hazards and education, in Sagaing region, we are working on the health sector. Currently, we distribute rainproof sheets. Regarding education, we also donate school chairs and build school buildings as the military council has burned down the schools. Regarding health, we open a free clinic. The clinic has to receive 15 to 60 patients in a day. We have established organic and conventional farms.

Q: Has the S&C Assistance Group compiled the list of IDPs in Sagaing region? Does the number of IDPs decrease or increase?

A: Currently, we have got the list of IDPs for some places. We can’t afford to provide aid in some places as the number of IDPs is high. Now Silingyi and Yinmarbin see an increase in the number of IDPs. However, the number of IDPs has declined in Depayin and Shwebo Townships in the short-term. Silingyi and Yinmarbin see more military columns.

Caption: The military council’s deadly airstrike in Pazigyi village.

Q: In the previous months, the S&C Assistance Group provided aid for the people in Pazigyi village in which the military council’s aerial bombardment killed hundreds of people. May I know the current situation about the rehabilitation of Pazigyi village?

A: Now it can be said that the situation in Pazigyi is still calm. The situation has not returned to normal yet. Currently, the people are not in a position to return to the village. They have to flee the village. The livelihood situation is not as difficult as before. The livelihood situation is okay. However, they have to take shelter in the forests. The worrying situation is that seasonal flu may spread. Many people die because of snake bites. Taking shelter in the forest is worrying for health reasons. As for the rest of the situation, we can even say that the IDPs are accustomed to it. They can’t return to the village and have to sleep in the forest. The children of those killed in the deadly bombardment are adopted by their relatives.

Q: Can you tell me about the current situation of the military council and locals in Sagaing region?

A: The IDPs have to flee when they (military council soldiers) come. Nobody lives near the places close to them. When soldiers come, locals flee the village. Now, our region hardly sees co-existence. The reason is junta soldiers do something when they enter the village. The people flee the villages as soon as they enter the villages. So, junta soldiers are constantly committing murder cases. Now, the military council is carrying out military operations in Yinmarbin and Salingyi. There is no such case in Shwebo and Depayin. A few cases are reported in KhinU Township.

Q: May I know the living conditions of the refugees from Sagaing region in the rainy season? Is there an urgent need for the rainy season?

A: For the rainy season, we have to collect foodstuffs, rainproof shelters and medicine in advance. For the accommodation, we have reconstructed over 800 houses in Shwebo and Depayin Townships. They don’t need to worry about their accommodation as we have built the houses. They just need long-term accommodation. The IDPs in Salingyi and Nyaungbingyi are in need of aid.

Caption: A free clinic operated by the S&C Assistance Group

Q: The S & C Assistance Group has reconstructed 800 houses for the villages burned down by the military council. Did the military council destroy the newly-built houses again?

A: We have not experienced such a situation yet. We have set a target for the reconstruction of 1,000 houses. Now we have reconstructed nearly 900 houses. The construction cost for a house is just around MMK-200,000. They (junta soldiers) will loot big houses only. They burned down the remaining big houses for the second time. They often didn’t come back after they burned down the entire village. So, they did not burn the huts.

Q: How is the people’s support for Sagaing region?

A: Public participation is not bad by our standards. The public participation is strong. As our organization seems to be separate here, they participate more in humanitarian assistance by the National Unity Government (NUG). However, the NUG is working on the ground but the effectiveness is still a bit low. Township, district and region in-charges appointed by the NUG need a little bit of effort. If we can do that, Sagaing region will be able to rebuild itself.

Q: What else would you like to add about the situation in Sagaing?

A: All the people must participate in the rehabilitation of Sagaing Region. I would like to urge the NUG officials to systematically make field trips in order that they can check the delivery of humanitarian aid in addition to fighting. I would like to suggest the NUG to pay attention to the fact that the needs are met where they are needed.

Sent by Shan-ni Voice


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