Regime orders removal of houses on Shwegyin Creek banks in KNU-controlled area


Military council-appointed administrators have been forcing the relocation of houses on the banks of Shwekyin Creek in Magyitan Ward, Shwegyin Township, Nyaunglaybin District, an area controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU), since April through a national land committee, according to local sources.

The residents have been living in the row of about 100 houses named Ngwe Thaung Yan since before the military coup, although the location was not officially approved by government authorities. They said the authorities have told them that the existing houses must be demolished because the land is now to be rezoned and sold.

In addition, the Magyitan ward administrator is demanding money from residents who do not want to vacate their land, offering that they can stay if they agree to pay MMK 200,000 per piece of land, according to a source close to the residents.

“The Magyitan ward administrator is demanding MMK 200,000 from each house if they don’t want to leave the place. Those who can afford the money have given the amount. Those who can’t afford it have to ingratiate themselves with him. Those who collect the money from the residents include some elders of the community and the administrator,” he told Karen Information Center.

Those protesting the extortion of money have reported the matter to relevant township MPs and are expected to be forwarded to KNU Brigade 3 officials, a woman close to local news sources said on condition of anonymity.

“The number of houses increased after people occupied the alluvial land of the creek. Successive administrators have also received money from the occupied houses. Now it is again alleged that the land will be rezoned and sold with a trick. I heard that the case will be reported to the KNU, because the KNU itself declared in early 2022 that the management of educational, health and social affairs in the area of Brigade 3 is not allowed,” said the woman.

She further said that in Shwegyin Township, electricity bills are inflated while there is no regular supply.

The KNU had issued a statement on November 23 saying that the military regime has asked residents of Chay Taw Yar and Kwet Thi wards and Shan village, who are close to the regime, to leave their homes, citing a clearance operation in Nyaunglaybin District.

Sent by KIC.


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