KSCC announces implementation of federal state with right to self-determination


The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) announced it will implement a federal administrative system with full self-determination in Karenni State during the revolution.

KSCC Chairman U Aung San Myint said that in addition to the administrative sector in Karenni State, efforts are being made to introduce an administrative system with full self-determination based on the judiciary and the federal system during this revolution.

“We aren’t only doing this for administration, but we have also started to work in the judiciary. We’re doing it this way. We’ll soon make public our administration, legislation and judiciary. Only then we’ll try to fully exercise the right of self-determination of our state according to our federal concept,” said the chairman of the advisory body in his speech on the second anniversary of the establishment of KSCC on 9 March.

He went on to say that the four main directions of KSCC are to end all forms of tyranny, including military dictatorship, abolish the 2008 Constitution, establish a federal democratic constitution that fully guarantees national equality, justice and the right to self-determination, and exercise the right to self-determination within the state.

To achieve these goals, the KSCC is also working with the National Unity Government (NUG) and the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), he said.

The KSCC further said that it is working to establish an administrative system with self-determination in Karenni State during the revolution, claiming that the military council’s administrative mechanisms are breaking down on all sides.

“Through the struggles with our forces, we can see that the military structures are collapsing. The terrorist military forces are no longer able to carry out their administrative and judicial functions in Karenni State. They can only operate from the remaining military bases. I believe that if all of our armed forces, political forces and people work together to resist them now in unity and harmony, we’ll achieve victory as quickly as possible”

Under the present circumstances, therefore, it’s time for the revolutionary forces to unite and end the dictatorship, the KSCC said.

The Karenni State Consultative Council was established on 9 April 2021, with 37 council members from five groups, including elected MPs from the 2020 election, ethnic revolutionary organizations (EROs), political parties, civil society organizations, youth and women’s organizations, and think tanks.
The consultative body held its first conference from 17 to 20 January 2023.

According to the KSCC, the members of the advisory body were elected by voting and reorganized to make the work more efficient according to the interim plan at the conference.

Currently, the KSCC includes the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), the elected MPs of the 2020 general election, seven Karenni-based youth organizations, ten Karenni civil society organizations, and four Karenni women’s organizations.

Sent by NMG.


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