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SNLD accepts UEC’s investigation for party’s survival

July 6th, 2022

The Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) has said it accepted the investigation of the party by the State Administration Council-controlled Union Election Commission (UEC) for its survival.

Sai Kyaw Nyunt, secretary (2) of SNLD, said the party’s survival is important.

“I have nothing to say about this. All political parties were formed under the 2008 Constitution. Whether we like it or not is another thing, and the existence of the party is another. The survival of the party is also important,” U Sai Kyaw Nyunt said.

The UEC said it conducted it conducted an audit of funds, facilities, maintenance, expenses and accounts, and investigated whether party activities were being conducted properly, according to the newspaper published June 5th by SAC’s Ministry of Information.

The inspection, which was conducted from June 30th to July 3 at the UEC’s Shan State branch, involved the Office of the Auditor General, the Internal Revenue Department and the Department of Special Investigation, in addition to the UEC.

The UEC reviewed 85 political parties between August 2021 and June 5th , 2022, and will continue to review the remaining seven parties, according to SAC.

The junta-controlled UEC warned the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) in February that they would face legal action if they did not have their accounts checked within the specified time.

The SNLD won parliamentary 42 seats in the 2020 elections and is the party that received the third most votes in Myanmar.

In the election, SNLD won two seats in Amyotha Hluttaw, 13 seats in Pyithu Hluttaw, and 28 seats in State Hluttaw.

However, when asked about the proportional representation (PR) proposed by SAC, Sai Kyaw Nyunt said that they have not thought about it yet.

The SNLD is a strong ethnic party that has participated in elections with the NLD since 1990 and has received second most votes in every election.

After the coup on February 1st, 2021, the coup regime recently announced that it would hold elections in which the first-past-the-post system would be replaced by the proportional representation.

The SNLD won more than 40 seats in the 2020 general elections.

Sent by NMG

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