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“We need to go ahead cautiously. Our ambition is to overthrow the dictatorship and enable non-Bamar and other ethnic to enjoy equal rights. We continue working on it”. Maung Saung Kha, in-charge of the BPLA

An interview with in-charge of Bamar People’s Liberation Army – BPLA.

May 10th, 2022

Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) formed during the Spring Revolution, turned one year on April 17th, 2022. The Karen Information Center (KIC) interviewed Maung Saung Kha, in-charge of the BPLA about its resistance against the military council with the aim of rooting out the military dictatorship and building up the federal democratic union.

Q: Can you introduce the meaning of the BPLA? May I know the major objective and political goal of the formation of the BPLA?

A: We need to think about the formation of the federal union Tatmadaw. Because we want the federal union. The federal union Tatmadaw will emerge if we walk on the path to the federal union. We need an army which can represent Bamar. Throughout the history, the government military committed oppresssion, rape and murder cases against ethnics when it fought against the EAOs. Even in Karen State, locals shout that the Bamar entered the village when the military entered the village. The people have kept in their minds that they are the Bamar army instead of the military led by Min Aung Hlaing, the military led by Ne Win and the military led by Than Shwe. We need to view it from a political point of view. So, we thought we needed to form the Bamar army. The Bamar army is to root out chauvinism, ensure equality among ethnics and vindicate the inclusion of Bamar in the federal union.

Q: May I know the formation of the BPLA in terms of the column, company, unit and rank? How did the BPLA recruit its members?

A: Since its establishment, the BPLA could start the training course with around 30 trainees. At the beginning, there were only 17 people. After the completion of the first batch, we started the second training course. Now the third training course is completed. The juniors are under the control of the seniors. The BPLA mainly carried out the assignment of duties. For instance, I am an in-charge of the BPLA. I am a commander as I am the head of the military unit. The deputy commander is under the commander. The department has heads. Duties are assigned at respective divisions. What I want to say is there is no rank here. We have assigned the duties to the head, the deputy head, the section head, the platoon leader, company commander and the battalion commander. Their adherence is really good based on the situation. They are warlike people. We have a plan to designate the ranks for those who have good fighting and administrative skills on a priority basis.

Q: How many military training courses have the BPLA completed? How many soldiers did it produce? May I know the percentage of female soldiers?

A: We have completed three batches. Normally, the inclusion percentage of female soldiers is between 10 and 20 per cent. It depends on their interest. Our unit covers the sector in which female comrades lead. They have many rights to make their own decisions. In our unit, the females have opportunities to become the military chief and the deputy military chief. There is a tradition that men take a leading role in the army throughout history. There are some problems when the female comrades command the unit. But the main point is we try to have a thorough understanding of concepts. Adherence is good for the soldiers who are proficient in the concepts. There may be some difficulties. We can overcome these difficulties. The people will see the leadership of many women in the unit and administrative sector.

Q: The EAOs have their own military units and political wings. How does the BPLA build the political wing?

A: We will mainly build the military wing. There will be disputes when we first build the political wing. Mostly, our Bamars want to put a spoke in one’s wheel when someone is going to achieve success. They also have jealousy. In addition to it, two groups are split into three groups. Two persons form three groups. It is inconvenient to put political affairs at the forefront. Then, we need to build an army. There are many politicians who made a few mistakes and scholars who stand on the right side throughout history. We will invite them to take a lead in politics. We have a plan to form a political leading group or a political wing at a particular time. We regularly seek advice from those who support and encourage us. At present, we can’t think about the formation of a political wing. We mainly lead the military. The command office is making a lot of preparations for the formation of a political wing.

Q: May I know the difference between the BPLA and the People’s Defence Force (PDFs) formed after the coup?

A: The PDFs are under the units of the National Unity Government (NUG). There are many PDFs which are not under the command of the NUG. Since its establishment, our BPLA officially announced that we were not under the command of the NUG. We officially explain the fact that the people may mistakenly join our army assuming as the NUG. We don’t isolate them. We have different policies and concepts. The goal for the establishment of the federal democratic union is exactly the same. After the revolution, Our BPLA will perform duties under the government which will emerge according to the Federal Charter. We have made necessary preparations for it. At the beginning, we said which position and duties we wanted after the revolution. However, the army must be under the control of the elected government. The sure point is that we will perform duties assigned by the government.

Q: How many battles did you experience as the Spring Revolution turned over one year. What are the successes and failures? What are the major challenges and difficulties?

A: Since December, 2021, we have been on the frontline. At the beginning, we had to carry out both fighting and carrying arms. We had to spend most of our time carrying and planting mines. Sometimes we didn’t shoot the enemy although we had guns. At that time, we could not participate in the fighting. Our main duty is to do scouting and plant mines. Then, we gradually participated in the fighting. We could carry out three ambush attacks. The previous day, we seized Kyaukhnyat military outpost. We participated in the fighting under the command and supervision of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA). We got fighting experience from the KNLA. The territory of Brigade-5 is very wide. Our troops carried out ambush attacks and attacks on the military outpost there. There were a lot of clashes. We defeated a lot of enemies.

Q: May I know the BPLA’s cooperation with other armed groups since its establishment?

A: Now, we jointly do fighting in cooperation with the KNLA, other EROs and Students Army. There are many PDFs under the command of the NUG and the PDFs which are not under the command of the NUG. They are fighting against the military council in cooperation with them. We have different goals in the frontline battles. But our common enemy is the same. We make a lot of creations through better cooperation under the same order. In the future, we could fight against the military council in cooperation with our allies.

Q: How does the BPLA improve the mental and physical fitness of members?

A: I don’t know much about the frontline. We have provided our members with all equipment. In fact, they need some materials. We have to carry some unnecessary materials. We understood it for the first time. For the second time, our members are equipped with necessary materials. It also depends on weather conditions. The materials are different based on the seasons. Under these circumstances, we have to be well-prepared for it. As being revolutionary soldiers, we cannot moan about these necessities. We need to make up our minds to perform our duties using the things we have. We designated such persons as those who have no genuine revolutionary minds even though they have risked their lives and given up their families for this revolution. We believe the persons who have committed to making the revolution would strive to achieve their goal whatever difficulties and hindrances they face. We ourselves do so.

Q: The coup leader has invited the EROs to the peace talk. May I know your view and comment about it?

A: I think the military council seeks an exit. The military council is in a tight spot. The sure point is that the military council is not in a position to open the military fronts with all EROs. The military will suffer losses if it opens new fronts. In my view, the military aims to oppress the groups on the one hand and to soothe them on the other hand. The military council used these tactics for the Arakan Army (AA) and did not even allow the AA to attend the peace talks. The armed groups become bigger and achieve more successes as long as there are more oppressions and exclusions. The military council doesn’t understand it. The sure point is the more the military oppresses the people, the more active the people are. In my view, as a result, time for the fall of the military is approaching. I don’t worry about whatever they do. Our allies will not betray us. I strongly believe that they will not betray their political goals.

Q: How should the EROs, the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) and the NUG seek the best solution to the current problem in the country?

A: We all are fighting against the military council. It is good. The situation remains unchanged if we hold talks. We should go to the talk when we have advantages. We should do it only when we should get the upper hand in terms of military. We will not get what we want at the current condition. Talking about the peace dialogue causes disunity among us. I would like to request all the groups not to put the blame on the forces which emerged during the Spring Revolution even if the already-existed armed groups plan to attend the peace talks. Armed revolution is more complicated than the views described online and in books. I would like to request the people not to insult and praise us in a hasty manner. It may lead to disunity among us and weaken the revolution. The military council will fall in a hurry if there is unity among us whatever the situation is. We need to make collective efforts to ensure the immediate fall of the military council. In doing so, there should be mutual respect, criticism and arguments among us. This is not a problem. Our revolution is said to have good prospects if we don’t view it as a problem.

Q: Which message does the BPLA want to convey to the people across the country via the KIC?

A: Our BPLA is an armed force which emerged during the Spring Revolution. All armed forces which emerged during this revolution want to root out the military council by making an alliance with us. This is our ambition. Nothing is as simple as that. After the fall of the military council, we will perform military duties under the government which wins the election to be held under the Federal Democratic Charter drafted with the will of all ethnics. The PDFs involved in the Spring Revolution and the PDFs under the NUG are to think about that right if they want to perform military duties. The existence of our BPLA doesn’t aim to take power. Our goal is to root out the military council. At present, we want unity. We don’t want any disputes. Disunity among us helps our enemy get advantages. We need to be cautious about diving a wedge. There were a lot of failed revolutions in history due to splits. We need to deal with it cautiously. Our ambition is to overthrow the dictatorship and enable non-Bamar and other ethnics to enjoy equal rights. We continue working on it.

Sent by the KIC.

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