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“Fighting has resumed even with some groups which have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). The durability of ceasefire is uneasy due to such verbal agreement” U Pe Than, Ex-Lower House MP

An interview with U Pe Than, ex-Lower House MP from Myebon Township.

December 15th, 2021

On December 10th, the Arakan Army (AA) issued a statement that there are military tensions as the military council’s troops are carrying out military activities by going from one village to another in Arakan State for territorial influence and the movement of troops.

There is a growing fear among locals as fighting may resume on the ground. The DMG asked Arakan politician U Pe Than who is also a former lower house MP from Myebon Township, about the current military and political situations in Arakan State.

Q: May I know your view on the AA’s statement?

A: Fighting between the AA and the Myanmar military has stopped for over one year through a verbal agreement. But now, the Myanmar military has increased military activities and inspections. So, the AA is opposing it. I think the AA’s statement aims to warn the public to be cautious about their security. It is especially a security warning for the pilgrims who will go to the Santawshin pagoda festival. Fighting has resumed even with some groups which have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). The durability of the ceasefire is uneasy due to such verbal agreement. There may be clashes between the two groups.

Q: The people said that recently the Myanmar military is active in Arakan State. May I know your review on it?

A: In most parts of Arakan State, the government’s administrative and judiciary mechanism is out of order. The AA formed the administrative bodies there for the rule of law affairs. The AA is getting involved in judiciary affairs. The military council shows dislikes to it and attempts to form the administrative bodies. The military’s troops entered the villages under the pretext of regional stability and COVID-19. In recent days, the military plans to inspect the festival-goers citing the repairs of the road heading to the Sandawshin Pagoda.

Q: May I know your view on the relation between the AA and the Myanmar military?

A: It is found that the AA is working constructively and patiently. Because the first point is the AA avoids confrontations as the AA’s troops remain at the original outposts. The next point is the AA released the prisoners of war. The apparent point is that the AA returned 20 guns seized at the Maha Muni Pagoda, to the military. The AA made such constructive offers.

Q: May I know your review on the future political situation in Arakan State?

A: The people in Arakan State don’t want refreshed fighting. So, it is anticipated that there may be a confrontation in the future as both sides have no demarcated areas. The main point is both sides need to hold discussions composed of political pledges. After that, both sides need to build peace through compromise and relaxation. Thanks to Sa Sa Kawa’s mediation, both sides have stopped fighting. That’s to say, it is sure that fighting will resume when there is no understanding and the interests of both parties are harmed.

Q: Which measures should be taken to avoid renewed fighting?

A: The AA issued a statement that fighting may erupt at any time. The public are concerned about the resumption of fighting. So, both parties should hold political dialogues which cover pledges and discussions which cover compromises, so as to achieve lasting peace. In my view, we can build a durable peace only after building this path steadfastly if we don’t want wars any longer.

Sent by Aung Htein (DMG).

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