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“The first thing the PDF has to do is make itself a strong force. This is more important.” Author Than Soe Naing (Political Analyst)

Interview with Author Than Soe Naing (Political Analyst)

11 May 2021

The resistance of the public against military coup is still robust in various ways. All of the resistances such as the CDM movement of government employees, the several colorful protests of millions of citizens, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) which was formed with representatives who had won the 2020 election, National Unity Government (NUG) and the ethnic armed organizations’ resistance, undoubtedly reveal the aversion to the dictatorship. Especially military council is fighting intensively with KIA in Kachin and northern Shan States and with KNLA in Karen State.

Now the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG) formed the People’s Defense Force (PDF) as a pioneer of Federal Army. Glancing with the above-mentioned new facts and events, we caught up for interview with author Than Soe Naing, a political analyst.

MPM : What do want to say upon the formation of the People’s Defense Force (PDF)?

TSN : Depending on the current situations, the public under the military council’s brutal suppression has moved from the stage of CDM to the next stage. I mean in that next higher level they will use the right of self-defense by creating a Self-defense Force. In fact, people were getting realized that they had to choose the armed-revolution way since before the formation of Federal Army. Since the NUG has established the guidelines for the People’s Defense Force in the right time, I believe this is a development that fits the situation. There might be an armed revolution against the military troops soon. Now CDM is upgrading into PDF in a positive way. I assume this is the important and proper step.

MPM : To what extent will PDF be able to protect people? NUG has already stated that the PDFs in each Region and State will be connected. Please give your comment.

TSN : Since the military council has been increasing the violence upon the public, they must exercise their right of self-defense. They have been defending themselves by using bombs, shields, slings, and traditional weapons. The certain ethnic groups have been defending themselves by using traditional homemade rifles that are used for many years. The operation of such ethnic groups is more systematic. Being a mountainous area, the geography condition favors the local PDF Forces more to attack. The People’s Defense Army will arise only if the NUG government can integrate such kind of separate PDFs movement into one. The success of the People’s Defense Army depends on the capability of NUG – to what extent the NUG will implement this process effectively by organizing the other groups.

MPM : PDF has already been formed. What do we need to endure for a long time? Perhaps more young people may join for service. How do you think about their long-plan for armament, budget or operation area?

TSN : There has been a lot of international support for Myanmar’s revolution. R2P, ICC and ICJ, which had been requested from international community, are not useful for Burma revolution progress. The reason why they are not much beneficial for Myanmar is that all of these procedures have to be done through the UN Security Council. It doesn’t work well in Security Council because of the objection and the veto use of China and Russia. R2P, which has no possibility to bring the concrete implementation, is not the best solution for Myanmar. But if the international community really wants to help Myanmar, they should provide money and weapons, which are really supportive. The things we need now are money and weapons, not R2P. On the other hand, until now, the Security Council has not been able to ban arms sales to military council. If the international supports money and weapons, the PDFs will transform within a short time into a strong army, which has the capability to attack strategically and to overthrow the military dictatorship.

MPM : Will Daw Aung San Suu Kyi accept the armed revolution way?

TSN : I can’t say for sure – whether she will accept it or not. But I think she will accept this option because this way has been chosen by the public themselves and then she always said that the people were the main ones.

MPM : Give some comments upon the meetings between some NCA signatories and military council.

TSN : Regarding the 10 NCA signatories, I see this in three groups. First group is about the ones which are now fighting with military council, like KNU; Second is the ones that are sitting in the fences, in spite of having strong forces, to be able to move in any time depending on the situation, for instance RCSS, which is now fighting with the other ethnic armed organizations such as TNLA or SSPP, but not with the military council – this is really sad. The last group is the weak group, including the forces of Lahu, Pa-O and Rakhine. Thus, among those 10 ethnic armed organizations, only KNU is the main key. In respect of Karen armed groups, there are separated forces such as DKBA and BGF which General Khin Nyunt had formed and shaped. The KNU, which was strong, became weak to some extent as it had been scattered into various groups. Therefore, such groups made negotiations with military government after the fall of Manerplaw. I am not surprised to hear about the extension of NCA Agreements however I think most of the NCA signatories will have no more talks with military council. Moreover, I think they will start operations against military council soon although they are now waiting the right time. KNU/KNLA is the main key among the NCA signatories. On the other hand, KIA, a non-signatory organization of NCA agreement, has been fighting intensively. And there is also the Three Brotherhood Alliance. I believe that every stakeholder will escalate the momentum of the armed revolution to overthrow military dictatorship though the NCA signatories have not reached to a reliable position until now.

MPM : How should NUG persuade and organize to have an inclusive ethnic-armed-organizations’ movement?

TSN : In order to persuade the ethnic armed organizations, NUG should guarantee the rights of the ethnic people and the formation of federal army in light of the Federal Charter. People’s Defense Force is a pioneer of Federal Army. In the future, this PDF will cooperate under the heading of “Federal Army”. This theme gives EAOs the incentives in order to actively participate in revolution. However, the first thing the PDF has to do is make itself a strong force. This is more important. If the PDF is getting stronger and stronger, the other EAOs will support and join willingly. This is my opinion.

MPM : What is your last comment?

TSN : We must strive for international recognition of the NUG government. Even if the R2P, ICJ or ICC do not work, the NUG should connect with international society and try to get money and weapons supply from international community under the supervision of Dr. Sa Sa. Now KNU and KIA are main fighters against military council but NUG must try for the participation of New Mon State Party, the KNPP from Kayah State or others in the future. If the PDFs and all ethnic armed organizations come and fight together against the military, it is supposed that this Revolution will surely succeed.

Sent by MNA

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