NMSP-AD meets online with Mon groups at home and abroad on 3-month anniversary

Photo - NMSP-AD

The New Mon State Party – Anti-Dictatorship (NMSP-AD) held an online meeting with various Mon organizations at home and abroad on the morning of 19 May to mark its 3-month anniversary, according to the group’s statement.

NMSP-AD information officer Nai Kaung Sakar said the group briefed on its 3-month political and military activities, as well as the support from the Mon diaspora, the strengths and weaknesses of the group. Voices and suggestions were also received from the civil society organizations present.

“At the meeting, we explained the political situation and status of the NMSP-AD, cooperation with allied organizations, our strengths, support from the Mon diaspora abroad, and the challenges we face so that they are aware of it. The military chief also explained the military operations as necessary to the attendees,” said Nai Kaung Sakar.

In addition, the NMSP-AD warned that it would take decisive action against any village administrators in its areas of operation who work as informants for the military council or coerce civilians under the conscription law.

After briefing the political and military situation, the NMSP-AD also received feedback from the participants on the strengths and weaknesses of its efforts, Nai Kaung Sakar said.

“(We held this meeting) partly because we wanted to what those who love their own ethnic nationality, those who have supported the NMSP-AD and others involved in the revolution if they could give us any advice. That’s why we held this event. They shared their opinions with us and told us what we should do, and what they wanted to know. In some areas, they also pointed out our weaknesses and gave us advice,” said the NMSP-AD information officer.

He added: “There may be some situations that we are not aware of. The points they made and advice they gave are beneficial to us. We’ll implement them where we can. We plan to hold more such meetings.”

The online meeting, held from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on 19 May, was attended by over 60 participants including some Mon monks, 30 representatives of various Mon organizations inside and outside the country, and other invited individuals, according to the NMSP-AD statement.

The meeting was led by members of the NMSP-AD’s political and military leadership committee members – the group’s leader Nai Zeya, deputy leader 1 Nai Banyar Lel, deputy leader 2 Nai La Yi Ha Kaung, and deputy military chief Salun Htaw.

According to reports, the NMSP-AD has designated areas of military operations 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 to intensify the offensive against the military dictatorship and is continuing its military activities.

Sent by IMNA.


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