Junta arrests five civilians for political content on mobile phones

Caption - Downtown Myitkyina

The military junta has arrested five civilians in Myitkyina, capital of Kachin State, for allegedly having political content on their mobile phones, sources close to the people arrested said.

One of the sources said the five civilians from Rada Kawng (B) in Tat Kone Ward were arrested on 18 May.

“They often carry out checks in the city. Cars go around at unexpected times and places to carry out checks. They do a lot of checks on people. They check bags and phones of passers-by on the street. If they find any political content on the phones, they arrest them. Some have been arrested now. Last Saturday, five people were arrested in Rada Kawng (B),” the person said.

The whereabouts of the five detainees are still unknown today( 20 May) as they are being held incommunicado, causing concern among family members.

A resident from Sitapur Ward said, “They are conducting checks in the city. They stop motorcycles and all cars on the street corners and check them here too. They open and check the toolboxes of the motorcycles. I don’t know why they search them.”

Some residents reported that the junta troops are randomly checking the people on the streets, checking motorcycles, vehicles, and mobile phones.

A young woman from Myitkyina said, “It has become quite difficult to move around. Some people no longer dare to go out on the street. That’s how it is. Even those who deliver goods in the city don’t go out much; they only deliver in the city. For the outskirts, they say they won’t deliver today.”

Since 18 May, there have been fierce clashes between junta troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Waingmaw Township on the other side of Myitkyina. Artillery strikes from the Myitkyina airbase have damaged civilian homes and caused civilian casualties.

The KIA and allied forces have captured junta camps in the vicinity of Waingmaw Township for three consecutive days. Fierce fighting between the two sides continued until 20 May.

Sent by NMG


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