Only 2 battalions of military council left in Hpasawng


Only two military battalions are left in Hpasawng Township of Karenni State. Soldiers from Infantry Battalion (IB)-135 and IB-134 are on the defensive, according to the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF).

“Revolutionary forces have seized control of many areas of the town. Military council soldiers remain in base battalions. They are on the defensive,” the spokesperson of the KNDF said.

Since 29 February, fighting has been taking place between the military council and revolutionary forces. The revolutionary forces could seize two Salween River-crossing checkpoints, strategically important pagoda hill, police station and the township hall in Hpasawng Township, the spokesperson said.

In addition, the military council forces stationed in some departmental offices have retreated to the base battalions, he continued.

In the third week of March, there has been no intense fighting but ambush and shooting. On 20 March, the revolutionary forces ambushed the military council’s Division-66 reinforcement column, at Parpu village cemetery, said Colonel Phone Naing, military chief of Karenni Army (KA).

In the ambush, the military council’s arms and ammunition were seized. The military council’s Tactical Operation Commander was also injured.

The military council is mainly relying on artillery shelling and aerial bombardments in the fighting in Hpasawng, said Colonel Phone Naing.

“What they (military council) can do is just aerial bombardments. If not, we could have captured it. We go into hiding when the military council conducts bombardments. They can defeat us only with airstrikes. But I think we can capture it soon. There are only soldiers left in the camp. Most of those who remain in the camps are the wounded,” Colonel Phone Naing said.

Both sides have suffered casualties in the fighting. The KNDF’s spokesperson said at least 30 military council soldiers were killed in the fighting.

The military council’s aerial bombardments burned down around 100 civilian houses. Locals have fled for safety, the KNDF’s official said.

The military council arrested locals trapped in Hpasawng as human shields, the KNDF’s spokesperson said.

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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