Five people including four children killed by junta airstrike in Mrauk-U

Caption – Children killed in aerial bombings while playing

The military council launched airstrikes on Lay Nyin Taung (Upper) village in Lay Myo Chaung area of Mrauk-U Township, Arakan State, at around 8am on 21 March, killing five people, including four children playing, and injuring nine others, according to villagers.

“In the morning, the villagers were going about their usual activities. At that time, a fighter jet came and dropped bombs. That has caused this situation. The children died while they were playing,” said a villager from Lay Nyin Taung (Upper) village.

Those killed in the military council’s airstrikes are Maung Thar Htoo (aged 3), Maung Lin Myat Ko (aged 5), Ma Ei Khaing Mon (aged 9), Ma Khin Thandar (aged 13), and Daw Ma Thein Yin (aged 35), the villagers said.

Those injured include Ma Phoo Pwint Eain (aged 4), Daw Than Aye Tin (aged 47), Ma Wai Mar (aged 36), Daw Ma Nyunt Sein (aged 68), Daw Khin Aye Myint (aged 46), U Aung Tin Maung (aged 57), Daw Khin Aye Hlaing (aged 35), U Maung Naing Soe (aged 33), and a 12-year-old child.

Amid battlefield losses in Arakan State, the military council has carried out targeted airstrikes on towns and villages in the western state of Myanmar, causing daily causalities.

Also on 18 March, more than 50 locals were killed or injured en masse when the junta’s fighter jets bombed Thar Dae (Muslim) village in Minbya Township.

“The military council is committing complete war crimes and inhumane acts,” said an Arakanese human rights activist.

According to a statement by the Arakan Army (AA), between 13 November 2023, when fighting erupted between the AA and the military council troops, and 18 February 2024, a total of 111 civilians were killed and 357 others injured as a result of airstrikes and artillery shelling by the military council.

Sent by Aung Htein (DMG).


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