KIA clears area after junta troops abandon Namsheng camp

Caption – Myanmar Army troops on a frontline

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) reportedly cleared the area after Myanmar Army troops abandoned their Namsheng camp in Namsheng village on Mogaung-Hpakant road in Kachin State in recent days without fighting between the two sides.

After the junta troops withdrew, the KIA cleared landmines and destroyed tents in the camp on 28 January, the KIA said.

The Myanmar Army’s Namsheng camp, located to the west of the village, is situated on a hill over 1,000 feet high, where around 200 soldiers were stationed. After retreating, they joined the troops in the strategic hilltop camp of Kamaing, said a local man from the Kamaing area.

“All the junta soldiers from Namsheng have joined the troops at the Kamaing strategic hilltop camp. I think they have retreated there because it is their main base. There are a militia camp and one or two junta camps in Kamaing. Maybe they have retreated to reinforce the checkpoints there,” the local said.

A local from the Namsheng area said the junta troops may have withdrawn due to the deteriorating security situation.

“I think security was no longer adequate for them there. And the locals are also gathering food and supplies as they fear a possible outbreak of fighting. It looks like they have retreated because of the dwindling troop strength,” said the local from Namsheng area.

According to the locals, the junta troops started to leave the camp in Namsheng for the Kamaing strategic hilltop camp on 27 January.

Local military experts say the Namsheng camp played a key role in providing security for the military bases and the Kamaing strategic hilltop camp in Mogaung.

They also say the complete abandonment of the Namsheng camp could be to reinforce junta troops at the militia camp and two Myanmar Army positions in Kamaing, where troop strength has declined.

Locals report that the KIA had already attacked the Namsheng camp several times before the 2021 coup. After the coup, the ethnic army attacked the base at least three more times.

Similarly, the Myanmar Army also abandoned the Lel Pyin checkpoint at the entrance to Hpakant in November 2022 without any fighting between the two sides.

Sent by KNG.


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