Heavy shelling displaces almost the entire village in Thaton


Almost the entire village have fled to safer places as the military council troops are firing heavy weapons day and night into Kyonemain village in Kawhlaing village-tract in Thaton Township of Mon State, according to local residents.

Locals from Kyonemain village with nearly 200 households and more than 1,200 populations, have fled to safety due to the military council’s shelling.

“Now no one dares to continue to live in the village. Heavy shells land almost every day. Houses were destroyed. The entire village has fled to safer places. Only some people who guard their houses remain there,” a local from Kyonemain village said.

Residents said that since 19 December, the military council battalion based in Thaton has been firing heavy weapons into Kyonemain village almost every day, where the revolutionary forces are active.

Due to the military council’s heavy shelling, locals from Kyonemain are taking shelter in safer places and Kyauktaung cave. They are in need of health care, including basic food, according to locals.

According to the statement by the Karen National Union (KNU)-Thaton District, the military council’s shelling killed a 26-year-old pregnant woman named Naw Phaw Tamae and wounded a two-year-old child.

The military council’s shelling hit and destroyed two houses and a village monastery, according to the KNU’s statement.

No.402 Artillery Battalion, No.502 Artillery Battalion and No.206 infantry battalion based in Thaton are constantly firing heavy shells into Kyonemain village, according to the KNU-Thaton District.

Sent by IMNA


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