Number of IDPs reaches 35,000 after Operation 1111


The Karenni State Interim Executive Council (IEC) announced on 13 November that the number of people fleeing the conflict in Karenni (Kayah) State and on the Shan-Karenni border has reached 35,000.

The IDPs cover the new IDPs after the start of Operation 1111 and the old IDPs, Khu Plu Reh, General Secretary of the IEC said.

“It is estimated that there are more than 35,000 people fleeing the war in Pekon Township and Moebye Township, including the areas around Loikaw. Relevant departments are working to collect the exact number of displaced populations. Since the start of the “Operation 1111”, there has been an increase in the number of new IDPs, and the old IDPs have to flee again, Khu Plu Reh said.

Most of IDPs are those from DweUKhu, Monepyar, Bardo, Htayngahlyar, Narnattaw and Htaythama wards in Loikaw and those from Chikal village-tract, Dawpawkalae village-tract, Nwarlawoe village-tract, Noekoe village-tract near Loikaw, some villages in Pekon Township and near Moebye, the IEC said.

The chairman of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) urged the public on 13 November to move to a safer place as the town-occupation battles are currently taking place.

The KNDF chairman said that in order to overthrow the dictator and create self-determination in Karenni land, the military council administration in Loikaw must be demolished. So, the town-occupation battles could be very destructive.

Currently, the military council has closed the exit roads of Loikaw and also shot the people, according to locals.

The rescue organizations are trying to rescue the trapped locals as much as they can.
A local from Loikaw said: “As from 11 November, I fled. I have fled to Loikaw twice, including this time. This time is worse and more difficult. In the past, we could flee to Demoso when we heard the sounds of gunfire. But now we have to go through the city. So, it’s not safe anymore.

One thing I heard was that some of the people who were going from the city were shot. So, they didn’t dare to run. In the current situation, we are fleeing to the places where we believe that weapons cannot land. I have moved three times including this time. I also have a month-old baby, so I am worried. I pray for my safety.”

The IEC has invited and appealed to the people to make donations as the need for emergency aid and relief is huge.

Khu Plu Reh said: “They are in need of the main basic food such as rice, edible oil, salt, shelter and medicine. The demand for fuel for transportation has also increased.”

The military council is no longer able to carry out ground operations, and the massive use of heavy weapons and air strikes destroyed many homes. The number of civilians who were hit and killed by the heavy shells has exceeded 10, he continued.

Those who want to provide emergency relief, can contact the IEC through +66 63 687 0154 (Signal), +66 63 687 0154 (Viber & Telegram) and email- [email protected]

Sent by Kantarawaddy Times


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