“As resistance fighters, we can’t rest just because it is the rainy season or winter. We take breaks and then go on. When the junta columns attacked us recently, we participated in joint operations with our local defense units.” – Deputy Commander of Nagani Column and Second Lieutenant who joined the CDM

Caption – Hein Htet Zaw (a.k.a) Ko Hein, Deputy Commander of Nagani Column and Second Lieutenant who joined the CDM

An interview with Hein Htet Zaw (aka) Ko Hein, Deputy Commander of Nagani Column and Second Lieutenant who joined the CDM about the column’s military operations and the situation on both sides.

The Nagani Column of the Southern Command of the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) under the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG) is mainly active in Kyainseikgyi Township in Karen State.

The Nagani Column, along with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), has been resisting the military council’s army and fighting back since the coup.

In this interview with Than Lwin Times, Hein Htet Zaw (a.k.a Ko Hein), Deputy Commander of the Nagani Column and Second Lieutenant who joined the CDM, talks about the column’s military operations, the situation on both sides, and the column’s needs.

Q – First, please tell us about the current military operations of the Nagani Column.

A – Our Nagani Column has existed since the formation of other military columns in the Southern Command. Since its formation, we have been conducting military operations in Kyainseikgyi Township. We work closely with local people. However, cooperation between the columns is limited. Currently, military operations are taking place in western Kyainseikgyi Township, Win Yay Township of Dooplaya District, which is under the control of the Karen National Union (KNU).

Q – What is the situation between the two sides during the rainy season?

A – Currently, there is no pause in military operations. Since it is rainy season, we have to keep an eye on the enemy’s situation as well as our own situation. As resistance fighters, we can’t rest just because it is the rainy season or winter. We take breaks and then go on. When the junta columns attacked us recently, we participated in joint operations with our local defense units. Even before that, during the rainy season, we didn’t stop our military operations. We conduct joint operations with guerrilla units such as drone strike groups. We are involved in fighting all the time.

Q – Can you tell us about the policy and main tasks of the Nagani Column?

A – “We will glorify the nation with the might of Nagani”. This is our motto. We act according to it. As for our policy, since our formation in late 2021, we have begun to actively participate in military operations. We cooperate with like-minded allies on the ground. In revolution, the individual brilliance of a group or organization alone isn’t enough. Only when like-minded groups join together can they defeat the junta. Some people formed their own armies because they wanted to become military chiefs. Since our column likes to cooperate with allied groups, if the main goal is a real revolution, we cooperate. That’s it.

Q – How does the Nagani Column cooperate with the NUG?

A – Our column is one of the columns that are under the NUG Ministry of Defense and operate in the Southern Command. So we operate under the command of the MOD. In military terms, the MOD is the high command. We operate in the field under their command through the Chain of Command (CoC). On the ground, we work with EAOs based on the CoC. In terms of our cooperation, the MOD commands their columns to fight. We operate under their command through the CoC.

Q – What difficulties is the Nagani column currently facing? Tell us about them, if there are any.

A – Since it is the rainy season, all the column members have uniforms, but some need new ones. If there are any, everyone wants to wear new uniforms. The old uniforms were worn out and torn. We stitched them up three or four times so we could wear them again. We don’t ask for help unless we really need it. So now we just need uniforms. Other than that, we don’t have any major shortages. We make do with what we have.

Q – Is there anything you would like to share with the public about the battles that the Nagani Column has fought?

A – Since the formation of the column, we have engaged in major battles. If we are talking about tough battles, it was in the battle to capture IB 284, together with KNLA and Bo Dar Baw from Cobra Column, when we captured it together. At that time, our column conducted joint attacks with Cobra Column and the Special Operation Force (S.O.F). Later, we also conducted smaller joint operations on the ground.

Q – How does the Nagani Column support and help junta soldiers who have defected to the people’s side?

A – In the column, there are former military who have joined the CDM. Those who brought their weapons, we connect them with MOD and support them according to the amount of weapons. Those who don’t have weapons are also supported by NUG MOD depending on the situation of the column. In addition, there is the help of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and outside organizations that provide basic support. All of this is combined and provided to CDM members as financial support for their livelihood. There are also former soldiers who have joined the CDM and are still serving in the column.

Q – Is there anything else you would like to add?

A – More than two years have now passed since the revolution began. Now we are well into our third year. The time we have been through has not been easy. When we started protests in the cities and then had to flee to the jungle. What kind of spirit did we have? What kind of beliefs and convictions did we have at that time? Have they changed now? Are they deviating? We need to re-examine. I want to say to all revolutionaries and leaders of revolutionary organizations that we can win this revolution only if we can put a united front. By unity, I don’t mean just forming alliances, but forming a common leadership. Currently, various armed groups have chosen to operate in their own territories. What are they going to do? This won’t do any good at all. We must be under one command. The revolutionary soldiers should remember this and ask themselves if they went underground with this mentality. I didn’t go underground with that mentality. We just wanted to have weapons and shoot back. Now some seem to have other ambitions. I mean, some groups, not all. I want to tell them that. By whose funding do you continue your work?

Because we are revolutionary groups, behind us are the people. Until today, political organizations could exist only thanks to the support of the people. We are trying to make the revolution a success. To be successful, we need the unity of all. Now some organizations are forming their own groups and factions. They can form groups and factions. But we can’t remain separate. We must all be united. Where has your revolutionary spirit gone? I would like to ask this question to all my revolutionary comrades and leaders.

Sent by Than Lwin Time.


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