Junta bans cargo trucks and passenger buses on Taungoo-Leiktho road section

(Photo - Myanmar National Post)

There is a shortage of goods as all passenger buses and cargo trucks have stopped their operations. The military council has blocked the road till date since 30 September, according to local news sources.

A local man said: “I don’t know why the road is blocked. There is no prior announcement. Only small vehicles and motorbikes are allowed to use the road. We are in trouble as we have no other roads. There are dry rations left in Leiktho. There is not much rice left. The shops have to buy rice from Taungoo.”

The region faces a shortfall of goods as in addition to locals, the IDPs from Shanlaepyin village-tract are taking shelter in Leiktho due to the military council’s airstrikes, shelling and stationing in the village in recent months, according to the ground sources.

A local who declined to be named said: “The people from nearby villages have to buy goods at the shops in the city. The shops from Leiktho have to buy goods in Taungoo. No one can buy goods due to the road blockage. Cargo trucks and passenger buses are banned. The military council has tightened inspections on motorbikes and small vehicles. We have to travel with special care.”

Fighting is taking place between the joint Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) force and the military council in Thandaunggyi Township in Taungoo District in the Brigade-2-controlled territory of Karen National Union (KNU). It is also an area where a large number of arrests are made by the military council’s checkpoints if the people are found to be suspicious related to politics.

The military council often seizes goods in some parts of road sections including this road section if cargo vehicles are found to carry more than the specified amount. There are shootings, locals said.

Two members of Thandaung Special Region Peace Group were shot dead by Thandaung People’s Defense Force (PDF) on Taungoo-Leiktho road section as the group carried out illegal teak logging and inspections and collection of toll fees in cooperation with the military council at the military checkpoints.

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