Pekon IDPs face rice shortage after half a year without aid

Caption – Internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pekon Township, Karenni (Kayah) State, face a shortage of rice.

Internally displaced people (IDPs) in villages on the outskirts of Pekon in Karenni (Kayah) State are facing a shortage of rice after nearly half a year without food aid, as aid groups are unable to access them due to transportation difficulties, according to IDP aid workers.

In addition to increased controls by local armed groups, roadblocks imposed by the military council are making it very difficult for aid organizations and charities to deliver supplies to these IDPs, an aid worker said.

“At the moment, they have to borrow rice from locals. The military council has blocked the road in the northern part of Thandaung. From Hseebu to Karenni are areas controlled by local armed groups. There are also many checkpoints. IDP aid groups have to get permission to go there, so they don’t want to go. In Demoso, there are many hungry people, so they have started donating only to that side,” he said.

Although local civil society groups are providing aid to displaced people in Karenni State, including Pekon Township, international donors and groups have only provided emergency aid. As a result, aid has not reached many high-need areas, said Banyar Khun Aung, director of the Karenni Human Rights Group (KnHRG).

“International aid is only emergency aid. UNHCR only works under the conditions approved by the military council. Therefore, they can’t reach the areas that really need the aid. We are working with local groups in some hard-to-reach areas. They need not only rice, cooking oil and salt, but also financial support for education, health and other needs,” said U Banyar Khun Aung.

He added that the military council has also imposed restrictions on the import of rice and oil into Karenni State, with only three or four bags of rice allowed per vehicle in some areas.

Although the revolutionary momentum in Karenni continues unabated, the military council’s constant airstrikes and artillery shelling have left civilians facing immense problems in the areas of education, health, and food security. Over the past six months, the military council’s attacks on IDP camps have also resulted in casualties.

Out of seven townships in Karenni State, including Pekon, Demoso and Loikaw, with a combined population of about 450,000, about 250000 people have been displaced by the armed conflict, according to recent statistics from KnHRG.

Sent by KIC.


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