“I think the military council’s political and diplomatic blows will not be important.” Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, Chair of Military and Political Leading Committee of the MSDF

Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, Chair of Military and Political Leading Committee of Mon State Defense Force (MSDF).

The military council again extended the state of emergency for another six months from 1 August 2023 to 31 January 2024, on the grounds that the country is not yet stable. At the same time, news also emerged that public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi had been moved to house arrest. The National Unity Government (NUG) expressed that even if Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is released, the revolutionary position will not change.

The Than Lwin Times interviewed Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, Chair of Military and Political Leading Committee of the MSDF about the position of the MSDF as the military council extends the emergency period and may use the image of public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Q: The military council proposed to extend the emergency period for another six months to stabilize the situation due to terrorist attacks in the country. What do you think about the extension of the state of emergency by the National Defense and Security Council?

A: The military council’s extension of the state of emergency is not a surprise to us. I have already expected it to happen. The military council will use every possible means to cling to power. In the past, there was an instruction to extend it according to the constitution. Later, the military council extended it citing the country’s security and military situations. The main thing is that the junta extended the state of emergency every six months in order to maintain the power. We expect to see further extension of the emergency period.

Q: After two and a half years of the coup, the military council reduced some prison sentences. How will the military council use public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for its exit in the future?

A: It is not strange that some prison sentences of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were cut. It’s the same way that successive military governments and the military council have been doing it. Whenever the military council encounters difficulties, it usually uses the same way. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest and then released. This is the military council’s psywar. They often do it like that to mislead other people, including international relations. But in my opinion, both international and all of our Myanmar citizens at home and abroad understand all of the actions being done by the military council. The army started using it after the coup in 1988. After 1988, the military government did not transfer power after the election in an attempt to divert attention. Then, the Nyaunghnabin meeting was called again. Drafting the constitution took more than ten years. Then the army did like that. I believe that the military council’s psywar or its efforts to mystify the public will have no significant impact on the international community, the public and armed organizations.

Q: The National Unity Government (NUG) has also said that even if Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is released, the policy will not change. What do you think about the NUG’s statement as an armed force of the Mon ethnic group participating in the fight to root out the military dictatorship?

A: It can be said that the stance of the NUG and the stance of the Mon Defense Force are exactly the same. The military council conducts twists and turns in terms of morale. As long as this army exists, the change and a plan to establish the federal state we want can’t happen. Our belief is to root out the army. Only then, will our country’s revolution with a change of system achieve success. Like us, revolutionary forces, those involved in the Spring Revolution, the NUG and other armed groups have the same belief. No matter how the military uses Daw Aung San Suu Kyi as a playing card, they no longer trust it. No one accepts heinousness and frauds made by successive governments. Except for the armed revolution, the revolutionary groups that are participating in the Spring Revolution shall not hold political dialogue in any way. In the past, there were political dialogues.

Ethnic armed organizations also held political dialogues with successive military governments before and after they signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). Democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi made approaches to the army and the quasi-civilian government. However, her efforts to reform the army by political means failed. No matter how armed PDF youths, our Mon State Defense Force, other armed organizations are active and how the army uses Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, our military goal and foreign policy are to make armed revolution in cooperation with other allies, the NUG, PDFs and all other armed organizations. The plan to root out the military government and build the federal democratic union we long for, will materialize.

Q: The regime leader said he wants to stabilize and take control of the conflict-torn areas in order to hold the election. Can the regime speed up military operations in the emergency period? May I know your view?

A: The military council’s military activities may increase. However, now it can increase. The army will use all its strength. The military council is conducting operations in regions and states. But the military has no advantage. The ground force’s morale is quite declining. Now the army relies on the air force and drops bombs. Then, the artillery force is firing heavy shells without any sympathy, regardless of the lives and property of the people. As I just said, I think the military council’s political and diplomatic blows will not be important. It becomes quite difficult for the army to make reinforcements in terms of strength, morale, and communication when there is a battle. The pace of war will not do much harm to the revolutionary forces participating in the Spring Revolution as the military council has to rely on the cannons. But we expect the best and prepare for the worst.

Sent by Than Lwin Times.


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