“Women’s participation in decision-making in discussions about building a new nation or establishing a federal democracy remains weak. But many women participate in the undesirable roles or struggle against military dictatorship. Women still have few opportunities to participate in decision-making processes.” Nah Moh Moh, General Secretary, Women’s League of Burma (WLB)


An interview with Nan Moh Moh, General Secretary of Women’s League of Burma (WLB)

Women have played a crucial role in the uprising against the military dictatorship following the military coup in Myanmar. Apart from the obstacles that women confront while fighting against the junta, they also face numerous restrictions and limitations on their rights and freedoms within Myanmar’s patriarchal society.

During an interview with the Independent Mon News Agency, Nan Moh Moh, the General Secretary of the Women’s League of Burma (WLB), emphasized the significance of women’s involvement in dismantling the military dictatorship and establishing a federal democratic union.

Q: First of all, what is the political vision of the Women’s League (WLB)?

A: The WLB was established back in 1999, and in 2000, we officially declared ourselves as a political organization for women. Our political vision revolves around creating a federal democratic union that ensures peace, justice, equality, and self-determination. That’s what we strive for as a league.

Q – What processes has WLB initiated and implemented to help end dictatorship?

We’re fighting tyranny in our own way. We didn’t start our fight against dictatorship only after the recent coup. Even before that, Myanmar had been ruled by dictators for about 70 years. There are authoritarian groups in Myanmar, and there is the dictatorial system. So we have to eradicate all forms of tyranny, including this (military) dictatorship. We have to realize our political vision. We fight the military dictatorship in many ways. In particular, we must spread awareness of federal democracy among the masses. The popular movement is the key. We’re doing this to promote popular movements against the military dictatorship. On the one hand, we’re working with other organizations to hold accountable this handful of dictators who have been cruel to the people for generations. We document the human rights violations committed by the dictatorship. We’re gathering this information to pursue justice. Not only are we fighting against the dictatorship, but we’re also working to ensure that women are involved in building the federal democratic union and can participate in the emerging political landscape in a variety of ways.

Q – What do you think about the active role of women in the struggle against the military dictatorship?

A – The role of women is important. We face too many challenges in the struggle against the dictatorship. On the one hand, military dictatorship is linked to patriarchy. Myanmar is a patriarchal society. And there is the Bamar chauvinism. All of this is related to the military dictatorship. Therefore, women face too many challenges in their struggle against the dictatorship. In Myanmar’s patriarchal society, women face too many restrictions and limitations. The struggle against dictatorship in this country, where women are severely oppressed, presents many difficulties and challenges to women.

But no matter how difficult or challenging the situation is, we have seen that women have taken an active role in the revolution against the military dictatorship. In this sense, we can talk about the 1988 uprising or the events before that. We can see that women took an active role in the protests against the dictatorship. In the same way, women participate in many public movements. They also participate in the armed resistance against the dictatorship.

Currently, media professionals are resisting the dictatorship in various ways. We can see that women are participating in all the important places of this struggle. Nevertheless, women’s participation in decision-making in discussions about building a new nation or establishing a federal democracy remains weak. But many women participate in the undesirable roles or struggle against military dictatorship. Women still have few opportunities to participate in decision-making processes. Therefore, I think we need to intensify women’s participation.

Q – What difficulties and challenges do women face under the current circumstances?

A – We face various difficulties and challenges. As I said, patriarchy sets us many limits for women’s participation. This patriarchal mentality doesn’t encourage us to participate, but only challenges us. The norms of social culture also limit women’s participation in many ways. There are many things that hinder women’s activism. Despite their determined participation, women’s involvement in decision-making processes is very low.

Women’s participation is especially important in exceptional areas. Our society has yet to understand and accept the important role of women. Their situation has worsened under the current circumstances, and they’re now exposed to all kinds of violence and attacks. This is one of the challenges. They’re being harassed online. They’re subjected to sexual harassment in many forms and are also defamed. Many activists who are fighting against the dictatorship on the ground are facing discrimination, repression, killings, sexual violence and rape.

Q – Do you have a way to overcome these difficulties and challenges?

A – We have to think about many ways. With only one way we won’t be able to overcome these challenges. One of the main problems are the institutions that stand in our way, such as patriarchy and dictatorship. We need to free ourselves from these systems that benefit no one. On the one hand, we need to change the norms, the culture and the mentality towards women. In order to change something, people must first become aware of it. Then, I think, we can overcome other challenges.
Another point is that women, unlike men, are exposed to a different form of violence. They’re exposed to sexual harassment and violence. So we need certain mechanisms to protect women. Only then can women overcome these challenges. On the one hand, decision-makers and policy-makers need to develop processes and strategies that encourage women’s participation. I think that will help women overcome the challenges they face.

Q – As a women’s activist, what suggestions would you make for the success of this revolution to create a federal democratic union?

A – The emergence of a federal democratic union is our common political vision. It’s our dream. Only if our country can build a federal democratic union will we be able to end the oppression and discrimination we have been facing for years. On the other hand, only with a federal democratic union can the military dictatorship be eradicated. In order for a federal democratic union to come into being, we must all work for it with our political will. When we talk about a federal democratic union, we must consider the strengthening of the states, national equality, self-determination, women’s rights and gender equality. I believe that from now on we should start putting the strengthening of states, national equality and self-determination into practice based on the essence of federal union or federal principles.

Sent by IMNA.


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