Five people incl. two months killed in junta airstrike in response to resistance raid in Kyainseikgyi

Photo - Two monks and some civilians are killed in junta airstrikes

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and joint local defense forces reportedly carried out a drone attack on Myanmar army’s Infantry Battalion 284 in Kyainseikgyi town, Karen State, in the early morning of 2 June.

“The attack took place around midnight and in the early hours. They dropped six bombs between 12 am and 4 am on 2 June. No one was injured, but there was some damage,” a military source said.

The drone attack was followed by more attacks by the KNLA and joint forces on the district police station in Ward 5 and military intelligence corps 4, the district administration office, the immigration office, the forestry office and the land registry office in Ward 6 at around 5 am, according to residents.

“They (junta troops) supported with artillery fire from a strategic hill after they started suffering in the early morning firefight. Civilians were hit because they fired on the ward,” said a resident of Ward 5.

During the indiscriminate artillery fire by the junta army, two monks of Kannar monastery and two civilians from Ward 6 and a 15-year-old boy from Ward 3 were killed.

The pro-military propaganda channels spread the news that the Myanmar army responded to the resistance attack with light and heavy weapons from its strategic positions and bases, as well as with an Mi-35M attack helicopter.

Sent by Narinjara.


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