Junta troops accused of using chemical weapons in Sagaing’s Banmauk


Explosions of artillery shells fired by advancing military council troops in western Banmauk Township in Sagaing Region caused residents of nearby villages to feel dizzy and vomit, locals reported.

The military’s Light Infantry Division 77 fired 40-mm shells at Mansigyi village in the western part of Banmauk. As a result, residents of nearby villages became dizzy, vomited and could not even eat, according to locals.

“They fired 40-mm shells or something like that. Smoke was coming out from the explosions. They say it smelled very strong and they were dizzy for about two days. The children couldn’t even eat. The adults are also on the run. They [the junta soldiers] are advancing again,” said a local woman.

The regime’s LID 77 has been advancing into Banmauk Township since 8 April.

Despite claims by local sources that junta forces have used chemical weapons, the Network Media Group (NMG) has not been able to independently confirm the matter.

According to locals, military council troops have entered not only Banmauk Township but also Indaw area.

“Junta soldiers are in Indaw and Paypin, at the Thetkeipyin junction and in the forest of Inpin. They are wearing PDF uniforms and carry rifles like real junta soldiers use. Some villagers have also seen some of them in KIA uniforms,” said a resident of Indaw.

Indaw residents said junta soldiers in both KIA and PDF uniforms were operating near Aungtharkone village between Indaw and Banmauk. NMG requested local PDF members to comment on the matter, but received no response.

Although no fighting is taking place between Indaw and Banmauk between military council troops and the joint KIA-PDF force, military council troops have entered the area and fired indiscriminately at villages with 40mm shells.

Sent by NMG.


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